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* judith william added you as a business connection on Pulse

judith william wants to add you as a business connection on Pulse.

Message from judith:
Well I am Mrs Judith ,i work with CROWN ROYAL WINDSOR PLC here in UNITED KINGDOM , I am looking for a dependable individual that I can trust, someone who will be wiling and honest enough to carry out this transaction with diligent to the best of his/her ability. There has been a high level of demand in our company for a particular vaccine of farm animals, which is mainly found in Malaysia , this particular vaccine is called RHINOMUNE埋njectable. This product has been prove to be the best here in London for veterinary home, the secret of this transaction is that my company has gotten absolutely no idea of the dealers and the price at which it’s been sold over there in Malaysia . I once had a contact before in Malaysia Mr. Lee, before this time we usually get this product from Malaysia my self except for my boss, so I had to give up on him. How ever my company is making plans for another purchase, so my idea and interest is for you to take the place of the real supplier and maintain my company’s purchase price of (USD$4,500.) dollars, at which my boss has bought before, as it will be a continues transaction. The mode of this transaction is Cash at the point of delivery, on the note of your wiliness to assist in facilitating this transaction on your own using your capital, we shall both come to a compromise to determine our own terms of percentage, all that is required in this transaction is for you to be purchasing this product from the real dealers at the good rate of (USD$2,000) Dollars, while making sales to my boss at the rate of (USD$4,500)Dollars, taking the place of the real supplier, after which we will both make our profit from the interest which is suppose to go to the dealers. Perhaps we could agree on a 70/30 Percentage, 70% for you and 30% for me respectively, if ok by you. all i needed from you is to be kind,honest,and trust Your reply is of great important, all information needed is intact, and all that matters now is your respond….Kindly get to me back with your contact and fax number, i hope to hear from you soon. Regards,Mrs Judith CROWN ROYAL WINDSOR PLC. 4 Mowat Industrial Estates Sandown Road Watford Hertfordshire WD24 7UY. United Kingdom.

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