Welcome to ScamRadar.com, a website that provides a free resource for the worldline online community to report or view scammers in this world! Are you sick and tired or being SCAMMED? Don't let others make the same mistake! Notify the online community to warn others. Who knows, someone may even help you solve your case or catch the bad guy! Let us help each other out and STOP SCAMMERS in their tracks!
* About
Help ScamRadar.com catch scammers that lurk on the internet and in your neighborhood. Report scams now!
Don’t let them get away with what they are doing! Inform the rest of us, because these scammers can really be tricky!
Are you fed up with being scammed? If you’ve experienced a scam, don’t hesitate to report it on our website. Let’s expose these scammers before they prey and victimize someone else. Let us help each other out!
Report these people now!
Stop scammers. Don’t let them get away with it! Report it on ScamRadar.com!
Notify the online community about a scammer. Don’t let others become a victim. Don’t let them make the same mistake!
Let our online community help solve the case. You never know, we may catch the bad guy together!
Scam Radar is for people helping other people stop scammers in their tracks! Let us work together to expose these scammers and help better our community!
The ScamRadar.com service is provided FREE of charge to allow individuals who have been scammed to have a voice and help others by keeping them informed.
The ScamRadar.com website is only a channel through which users can report a scam/scammer experience as a free service to the online community. ScamRadar.com does nothing but publish reports that are submitted by individuals who visit our website, as well as publish comments or replies in response to submitted reports.
By submitting and posting a report on ScamRadar.com, or replying to a report, you warrant and represent that the information is truthful and accurate.
Submitter contact information of each report or reply is NOT published (unless the submitter included it in the content of the report or on a reply — which we advice against) and is treated in confidency by ScamRadar.com. It is not given to any third parties under any circumstances, except where required to do so by law. ScamRadar.com will cooperate with the proper authorities if needed.
We understand that because of the nature of the service this website provides, scammers can become angry and resentful for being reported. All threats or abuse of any nature, including slanderous claims directed towards ScamRadar.com and its owner(s) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Such threats or abuse, when posted on our website, is an exception to the confidentiality rule. ScamRadar.com and its owner(s) will make all efforts to obtain your contact and other identifying information and provide it to other entities in order to resolve threats or abuse directed towards ScamRadar.com and its owner(s).
ScamRadar.com (and its owners) assumes no responsibility whatsoever for published reports or replies/comments on this website and cannot guarantee the authenticity of each submitted or published material. Only the author of the report who submitted it is able to answer as to the authenticity of published information and takes whole and sole responsibility for it. In no event will ScamRadar.com (and its owners) be liable for any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages arising as a result of the use of ScamRadar.com