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* Email from Sarah Grant

Dear beloved

Blessings to you beloved, your words in your response have given me great Joy this is a good work of charity project I have placed in your hands. My dear I will only say to you with reason of my throat cancer I am unable to speak but all I want is that the money is first safe in your account before I meet the Lord so that it can be used for the intended purpose. I have told you in confidence that I want the project to be kept very secret and details of my contact with you should not be disclosed to anybody and this is because my husband’s family might want to do everything to gain possession of this money for their own selfish interest.

My dear the bank in possession of the money is in Europe, the money can be transferred to your account electronically once you activate the DORMANT ACCOUNT and I need the following details below to send LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION to the bank in Europe that you are now the sole beneficiary see below:


I want you to know now that if the project does not take place it will be your fault as I have done all in my power to see that everything works in the manner that we have discussed. My dear, I want you to have faith and pray always knowing the task ahead and the bold step I have taken to give you this money, I need you to always stay focused and follow instructions, there is need for prayers as obstacles will arise but all that stand against the success of this transfer and the project proper will fall. Let me rest and leave you to pray and build your mind towards the task ahead and also always be in contact with me. It is very important that you complete this project in good faith even if I join my husband before time and always know your share of the funds is 20% and the balance must be used for the project proper which is 80% dispatching it to the list of the charity organisation that I’ll be sending to you.

Mrs . Sarah Grant


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One response to “Email from Sarah Grant”

  1. Mulana Nunley says:

    I had these people going for a while. They were calling and e-mailing me and requesting 1460 dollars to activate the dormant account. They gave up on me after a few postponements and delays.

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