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* Simplicity Medspa Debra Tri and Tracy Riggs – Glesener is a Liar and a Scammer

Simplicity Medspa Debra Tri and Tracy Riggs – Glesener is a Liar and a Scammer

Careful of going here unless you want your face to be permanently scarred like mine!God help you if you go here!

I recently had a IPL service from Deb at MedSpa, I wished i had read the reviews, it would have deterred me from using her services. The initial service was adequate, however the IPL service created more damage and worst results on my face, ended up with LARGE dark spots on my entire face, very visible. Her assistance took pictures and asked that i return a week later to meet with Deb. The meeting was ghastly, she was unprofessional, rude to her assistant, accusatory, huffed and puffed, rolling her eyes, as she scolded me.

NO apology, no concern, just simply let me write a prescription to help fade away the dark spots. Buyers be aware of her shady practices and professionalism.

She sold me a buy one get one, never got the get one.The damage she did to my face, will now be more costly as i will need to see a dermatologist/plastic surgeon.

Review about: Simplicity Medspa Dermatology Doctor.

Reason of review: Poor customer service.


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