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* [email protected] – Powerball Winner – Mike Greg – Anthony Law Firm

I received an email message on Facebook from the Powerball winner, saying to email her personal email which I did, then she gave me an email to her lawyer to email which I did, I received a large amount of information in a PDF to send in for a donation from her winnings.

First message I got from her
“I thanked God for my life and what he has done for me. I want to also change the life of people by giving out some donations but this will be processed by my lawyer and it’s only when you are qualified that you will be paid certain amount ranging between $250,000 up to $1,000,000.00. Kindly send him a message on His email and tell i directed you to him : [email protected]

Lawyers email

“Dear Sir/Madam,
We are in receipt of your message concerning Mavis Wanczyk donation for
you. This in fact will require some verification and authentication prior
to making the payment to you.
In the attachment, you should download a form which you have to fill out
with PEN and sign it accordingly. Also, you should include any of your
photo identification in form of driver’s license, national identity card
or international passport.
Upon receipt of the above items including the duly filled attached form
you will receive further information.

Warm regards,

St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1AY,
United Kingdom
+44(0)1622 37 0990”


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