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* received $ and never send out parcel.and request for more order

[email protected]

Dear customer,
We are very sorry for late response from our side, it is due to the fact that our production unit has refused to approve your order as we can only package 2kg and above products to that region. We sincerely apologize for the stress this might have caused
You are to make order for 2kg and above to avail our huge discount and we can register with insurance and dispatch immediately. Or we can as well refund your full money back to you we don’t want to disappoint you so kindly let us know. We can as well send the receipts from our various customers both from your country and others for you to understand us better, they all made order of over 3kg and above which we dispatched immediately. we need to insure your order and clear customs charges from our side. Thanks in anticipation

please becarful of this trick.


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