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* Scammed By Rodney Demery

Rodney Demery who posses as someone looking for a credit partnership, claiming he is a business professional. He used to live in Augusta, Ga before he had leave there and moved to Atlnata. He steals your info and then does everything he can to avoid his responsibilities per his contract.
He sends contract and then plans on not paying the debts under persons name.
He makes a few payments, but then it becomes him not paying at all and not be able to be reach or locate him.
He never wants to meet I person, you have to track him down.
He lies very well and is good at escaping his debts. He has had a long line of failed businesses with his wife and uses others credit to finance these failed schemes.
I got into this in 2013 and he has left me with over $14,000 of debt in my name and ruined my good standing.
No matter what no one should be taken advantage of like this.


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