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* Today Maje Brennan. Yesterday Marion Browning-Baker

Just when we thought we saw it all, we didn’t. Marion Browning-Baker has changed her legal name to Maje Brennan! And I don’t mean her name as Ella Quinn either when writing her trashy romance novels because she still exists as that fictitious person too. Go to Facebook and LinkedIn. No more Marion Browning-Baker existing! But look up Maje Brennan and there she is on both and they are all the same Marion Browning-Baker pictures from Germany. Plus the same bio as before – sans any history of ever being a lawyer.

Wait because it gets better. She moved out of her house on Lovenlund Bay in the Virgin Islands and now lives on a sailboat in the Norfolk area with her retired army sergeant husband. Now she calls herself online a “Vacation Rental Owner” as she rents out the house which is now called, “Nature’s Nest VI.” Just Google that title and you can see multiple pics of what she bought with all of that stolen money. Not bad for someone who could not even make it in the US Army!

Because even when you change your legal name, live on a sailboat, and try to avoid Germany for formal tax evasion and extradition (not to mention the GA State Bar who is also trying to collect many thousands from you) – WE will still find you, WE will still take you to court and WE will still have justice served no matter how long it takes us. We are 100+ strong now. Maje, Ella, Marion, or whatever name you are going by today or wherever you are having your mail forwarded from your main drop in St. Thomas, you stole money from every one of your clients and WE all want it back and we are going to get it. Contact our class action suit lawyer Richard Harris at [email protected] and you just might avoid total bankruptcy which is what we are going for at the moment.


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