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* Babysitter

My name is James Anderson, I am the head civil engineer with NRFC Construction. Ontario Canada an affiliate of Shimmick Construction and Renovation Co USA… I just went through your email as a good caregiver for infants. Hence I would want to leave my 3 year old daughter Juliana in your care everyday as I would accompany 3 other delegates for an inspection tour of one of our Building project located near you in the United States. The inspection tour implies that I leave my hotel some few hours every day to the Building site and back home, this would make it difficult to take care of my kid; this tour would stretch from 17th of Feb through 17th of March

I need someone who can do 5 hours a day Monday – Friday.

I would like to know your number of times and hours of availability weekly basis as soon as we arrive. So I can schedule my appointment of leaving home daily…

I’m offering $20 an hour plus gas / negotiable, as I would want all condition conducive for both you and Juliana while in your care.

Juliana is adorable and gets along easily with people, never allergic and sleeps a lot, I would be sending you her PICTURE as soon as I get a reply from you indicating your readiness to care for her everyday before I return.

On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 5:18 AM, Marina wrote:
My name Is Marina I am 21 years old and have 5 + years experience with kids 0-10 years old you may contact me at (619) 270-6999

Sent from my iPhone


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7 responses to “Babysitter”

  1. Ruben A. Farje says:

    do not worry i am going to your home, sent me a pic of your wife

  2. Debi Stanton says:

    My daughter is being scammed by him, deposited check in bank! He wants her to do a funds transfer to Muhammad someone in NYC for “KIDS” furniture (for some reason each time he writes kid it’s in all caps) Of course, she isn’t but we’re unsure how to procede.

  3. Sharon says:

    It’s July 2015 and this bastard is still on the loose interrupting and creating fears of applying for jobs found online. He tried it with me but what made me curious was who in their right mind would send a photo of their child to a complete stranger,and also he couldn’t tell me what hotel close by me he would be staying he needs to be stopped but how?

  4. Chelsea says:

    I just got the same email, except he said his name was James Baneth.

  5. Candy Sweetz says:

    He just sent me an email after I replyed to his post on Craigslist. He changed his story and added comments I never made. He just replyed to me and if I hadn’t decided to Google his name and company I wouldn’t have seen this. He’s using the name Harry Beans but its the exact email I just received. Sometimes really do post great opportunities online but other times its just scam artists like this one.Be careful

  6. Alicia says:

    I had the same thing happen to me a few days ago. I’m glad I went to you guys first. I hope someone has enough evidence to send this guy down. If you do make sure you fill out an IC3 on him. Harry Beans needs to be arrested.

  7. Jennifer says:

    Last week, I answered an ad for a nanny position & was just recently contacted by Harry Beans, the head Civil engineer of NRFC Construction. It was the same email, as I just read, sent to many others. I just googled this company in Ontario & discovered this scam. Thank you from saving me from this deception. How despicable!!!

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