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* Dorris (Dee) Camson is a scam artist

Dorris or Dee Camson has profiles on various social media websites. She us seen as Dorris Camson, 32, Brisbane, Australia or Queensland, Australia, Dee Camskn, 32, Queensland, Australia, Dorris Camson, 32, Norwich, Norfolk, England. There may be other listings as well. She is a romance scammer. She likes to friend older men and build a romantjc scenario, then create situations that she needs money. Do not send her money. She will talk about falling in love with you, send you a special poem, and even suggest that she would like to have a baby witb you. She claims to be a meteorologist. She told me she was at PAGASA in Manila. I mnow that she has told more than one person the same story. You will never see her, but she will put forward that you can be together in some city. Never hapoen. Beware she is very convincing and clever.


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12 responses to “Dorris (Dee) Camson is a scam artist”

  1. Richard says:

    she is still at it.She now has a Facebook profile under “Dorris Camson” and told me she was a meteorologist studying in Barcelona,Spain.Her phone # used is (832) 582-4699.She will ask for your email and send pics hoping to hook you.Beware

  2. Ian Scott says:

    I have also been scammed by Dorris (Dee) Camson. She sent me a copy of her passport (British) but an obvious fake. Claims to be a Meteorological student at Gestair and has sat an exam for Pagasa in Manila. Produces letterhead with results. Has a best friend called Sara (Smith) who she claims has deposited money in Manila for her (Sara failed the exam ) Claims undying love, writes a poem, wants a baby, mother left her with Dad when she was young. Dad now dead. On F/B absolute minimum of information. DOB shows 32 but has been at this since 2009. Claims to be from Norwich but knows very little or nothing about the place or the County. When upset likes to type in capitals. Has a good command of English but does not pick up on spelling. and loses it when typing quickly. There is a time delay if unsure what is meant or doesn’t understand. Probably consulting dictionary or Wikipedia. Uses connection failure as an excuse for longer gaps. Eventually comes round to the money and wants it paid to Dorris M Camson with the address 75b Adratico Road, Manila, Philippines, 1004 insists must be by Money gram. You have to supply your address that she can then use as proof. Wants to qualify as CMet but does not seem to comprehend what is required. Definitely not of English origin, knows Spanish but could be Filipino. Possibly not even female not really into the female psychy but could be result of original culture. Produces a booking ref and flight itinerary. A quick check with the airline confirms booking made in the name of Dorris Camson but not paid for and did not make the flight. Extremely clever but not clever enough. Ducks every request for a meet. I can provide other detailed info not recorded here. There must be the genuine person somewhere out there but this is not her. Refuses to use Skype or webcam so totally out of sight. Will produce photos but these are either doctored or lifted from elsewhere. You have been warned

  3. Walter Pautsch says:

    Hi Ian, can you send me yje pictures? I would like to see if it is the same person. Thanks

  4. Walter Pautsch says:

    Hi Ian, can you send me the pictures? I would like to see if it is the same person. Thanks

  5. Walter Pautsch says:

    Dear Ian, I would also be interested in any other information you can provide.



  6. Walter Pautsch says:

    Hi Ian, I would also be interested in any other information you can provide.


  7. Walter Pautsch says:

    Hello Ian, I would be interested in hearing the other details as well if you would not mind sharing the experience.



  8. Walter Pautsch says:

    I apologize for all the repeats here.

  9. Ian Scott says:

    Hi Wally
    Please contact me through email as I am sure that “she” must have access to this site and I do not wish to disclose certain facts which might be helpful in polishing “her” act.

  10. Walter Pautsch says:

    Hi Ian,

    I received your email. Can you send me your email address?. I sent an email on yahoo, but can’t tell if you received it.


  11. Walter Pautsch says:

    Hi Ian, since you have my email address, can you send me the pictures and any additional information that you have. I would like to compare notes with you.



  12. Ian Scott says:

    Hi Wally I did not receive a message through yahoo. My email address is [email protected] please use this to communicate.

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