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* Beneficiary of deceased family during Phukat Thailand Tsunami in December 2004

Please note that Schrei is my married name and as far as anyone in the Schrei family knows, my late father-in-law was the last known Schrei male. Also, a professional would not have an email address name such as what is listed in the following email that I received via LinkedIn:


patrick akasa

Dear, Michelle Schrei

I am Barrister Patrick Akasa; I am the intimate and entrusted personal attorney to late Mr. George Schrei,who was a Gold merchant in hygienic products via West African Coast tro Thailand as an import and export executive. My late client and that of his entire family were lapsed in the Phuket Thailand natural disaster on the 26th of December 2004 in the Tsunami. Now I have contacted you so that the fund that he has left behind can be transferred to your bank account through my assistance.

The fund was valued for seven million five hundred thousand dollars and these fund was deposited in a local bank here by my late client before the accident. I need your private email address and your telephone numbers, so as to give you the details procedure, Please kindly get back to me through my private email address at ([email protected]) and do call me once you received this mail for more oral clarification. My number is +229 666 59 006.

Waiting to hear from you.


Barrister Patrick Akasa.

Reply to patrick

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This email was intended for Michelle Schrei (Accounting Assistant at Total Wall). Learn why we included this.

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