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* “Department of Homeland Security”

Department of Homeland Security – DHS
Office of International Affairs
In conjunction with
National Drug Law Enforcement Agency
Tel: 916-222-5435


Consignments Label No: 00445 And 00484.
Consignments Serial No: 5678001 And 5679334.

This is to remind you that if you fail to reply this email within 48hours we assume that you are terrorist and we shall track you down and your consignments would be confiscated.

We write to inform and update you that the United Nations (UN) in conjunction with International Monetary Funds (IMF) has instructed the Homeland Security (HS) to release your consignment boxes that has been held in our custody from diplomatic agent your rightful inheritance. This arrangement was made during the last
UN conference in New York. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the United States from terrorist attacks and other disasters.

Note that the consignments are currently with us at our Office, to enable us confirm and verify the content of the parcel as yours, kindly reconfirm to us your full name, your contact address, telephone/fax number. Inform us if you where processing to receive any fund? If yes, what is the amount of Fund/cashier check/bank draft/ ATM CARD/ Consignment or Money Order you were processing to receive?

Failure to follow instruction will result confiscation of your consignments and you will be charged as Terrorist. A person convicted under this section will be subject to a fine of $20,000, or imprisonment of not more than five years

Congratulations And Thanks For Your Patience…

Yours Faithfully
Officer Robin Clerk
National Drug Law Enforcement Agency
Tel: 916-222-5435


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