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* Nigerian Bank Scam

Attention Beneficiary,

It was agreed that to retain the good image of Nigeria and the rest of African countries, all the victims who lost his/her hard earn money to these faceless thieves

will be compensated with just Five Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars). This we assume will help you to start a new life. Please, you have to accept the money like that because the people (victims) in our pay list are too much. We are paying back from the money we recovered from these fraudsters.

I want you to know that you have 24 hours to call the diplomat in person of Diplomat Raymond Edward with these phone number above in the United States, let us

know if you are still interested to get your consignment delivery to you today as he have been waiting to hear from you to help him complete this delivery to you.

Right now the diplomatic have arrival to united state with your consignment box,call him for your consignment clearance and delivery.

You are to call the Diplomat with the number above and ask to speak with the diplomatic in person Diplomat Raymond Edward and send him email.


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