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* Mr Solomon Joseph – [email protected]

My name is Mr.Solomon Joseph, I represent  Mr. Boris Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the arrested Chairman/Ceo of Yukos oil and bank
Menatep SPB Russia,  who is presently in jail.

I have the documents of a large amount of funds which he handed over to me before he detained and has been sentenced to jail for not paying taxes and financing political parties (the union of right forces, led by Mr. Boris Nemtsov and Yabloko, a liberal/social democratic party led by Gregor Yavlinsky) opposed to the government of Mr. Vladmir Putin, the president thereby leading to the freezing his finances and assets.

After searching through the books of your country?s chambers of commerce and industries here in Russia I am contacting you to assist me to re-profile this fund and equally invest this fund in your country.

please get back to me on this mail: [email protected]

The total amount of these funds to be re-profiled is Twenty five million dollars and you will be getting 20% for your assistance. I shall furnish you with necessary information?s and my identifications as soon I receive your acceptance which should be sent
to my private

Yours sincerely,

Mr.Solomon Joseph


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