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* Nigerian Scam Sharon Neil

Was scammed by a girl claiming to be From Sunset florida by the name of Sharon Neil. Met on a dating site. Says she needed money for her sons birthday, asked for $350 for an xbox. Figured it was a scam, claimed shes in Africa at the time. I sent $100 by Western Union hoping it can be tracked and them convicted. Had me send it to Name: Olusegun Ajiwoye State: Lagos Country: Nigeria Zip: 23401 test question: favorite color Answer: blue. Email addresses are [email protected] and [email protected]. Phone number from texts is 1-205-208-5641. I still have the receipts from western union from the scam. She had me send it to receiver: Sharon neil


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One response to “Nigerian Scam Sharon Neil”

  1. George Miller says:

    I was also scammed by this women for the same reason as Paul Payne. She got me for more than she did him as this was first person I dated online after my wife’s death. The last messages I got from her was that she was in LA, Ca at a friends house. The friend Doris Williams lives at 3706 Arlington Ave in LA, 90018. I do not have a phone number and have not tried to contact her there. I have considered doing so by mail but have not done yet.

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