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* james watson and nancy

(james watson [email protected]) the email address he was useing these people are offering 20 a your at 5 hours a day 5 days a week witch works out to 2000 a month. My name is James and my wife name is Nancy..We are Seriously looking for a Nanny/housekeeper/Cleaner/personal assistant…Kindly respond back to us if you are open to any of this job position and also drop your City and zipcode to see if you are close to us…Hope to read back from you soon

James & Nancy Hello

Thanks for the prompt response.Once again Am James and My wife’s name is Nancy, she’s 5 months pregnant and this is her first baby. We are relocating to ( Broomfield )from England,I will be coming there to work on contract basis with United States Environmental Protection Agency on a private research work So i need someone who could help me take care of house by doing some house work while am off to work,Someone that will also help in running some errands.
I will be offering you $20/hr,we will be needing your services from for 5 hours per day at any suitable time of yours, Mondays through Fridays,I believe you are fit for this position in as much you will prove yourself to be a reliable and good person.

Here is the apartment address that we are relocating too( 645 Alter Street Broomfield, CO 80020 )Are you close to the address if not,I can take care with the transportation fees…

Kindly get back to me if you are really interested in the work and willing to help me and my wife,Because we will be coming down to the state soonest.

Hope to read from you soon

Thanks and God Bless
My name is James and my wife name is Nancy..We are Seriously looking for a Nanny/housekeeper/Cleaner/personal assistant…Kindly respond back to us if you are open to any of this job position and also drop your City and zipcode to see if you are close to us…Hope to read back from you soon

James & Nancy


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3 responses to “james watson and nancy”

  1. Jason says:

    I recieved a similar e-mail requesting my services for such a position. Kidly e-mail me with any further information you have.
    Thank you,

  2. Johnnell says:

    I also have recieved these emails same ones. Could anyone tell me how this scam works and if im at risk and how or what to do please. Thank u

  3. star says:

    i am actually talking with these scammers right now… they sent me the exsact emails listed above… whats the next step i should take, these ppl have my name and address… im pretty sure the cheaks already is in its way and i dont want to get in any trouble for this… WHAT SHOULD I DO???

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