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* Angela Askins of Denton TX Fraud

This lady is a fraud. I contacted her regarding watching my child. She had me really fooled. Which she fooled many others to. I agreed to let her watch my child once she was born and ready. I gave her a $100.00 depost not knowing this was not normal. ( I am a first time mom) She then acted like she changed her number and would not return my emails. Needless to say she stole my money. I had several others contact me saying that she flipped out on them or when they did leave their child with her she neglected them. This woman is in no state to watch children and is a scam and fraud. Everyone needs to be aware of her before she scams them or neglects their children as well.


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3 responses to “Angela Askins of Denton TX Fraud”

  1. Haley says:

    Angela has a case against her and her husband. He child abuse (his own) and her failure to report. If you have anything on them to tell the DA in Canyon Texas would like to know.

  2. Jenn says:

    Haley could you get a hold of me please. Regarding this lady. Email me asap [email protected]

  3. Valerie Leven says:

    We need to know more about this woman! She sounds dangerous and I work with her! Contact me please [email protected]

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