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* RIGHTWAY MARINE CARGO LLC – scamming foreigners moving out of the UAE

Be aware and ensure that you do due diligence and research on RIGHTWAY MARINE CARGO LLC and It’s owner, Ajoy Cecil Lopez, before you hire him to move your family’s personal belongings. We are a Canadian family who was cheated out of $6500 worth of relocation services and forced to pay a further $3000 to reclaim our belongings when this company ran off with our money and left us holding the bills to pay. Please don’t allow this to happen to your family.


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4 responses to “RIGHTWAY MARINE CARGO LLC – scamming foreigners moving out of the UAE”

  1. Ajoy Lopez says:

    Dear Robert,
    You wanted us to pay and additional of USD 1750/- charged by shipping line towards Inland haulage which you have agreed and accepted as per our contract. You have disputed on paying this amount.
    You have posted defamatory articles several sites to defame me and my business. So far we have incured heavy loss since we are handling personal shipments due to your online complaints. You have got a 20 std full packaging and relocation on door to door terms from Fujairah,UAE to UB,Mangolia for less than USD 3000/-
    You expect us to pay an additional of USD 1750/- on your behalf. Since we run a business and not a charity organization this demand can not be met.We have not run away from UAE. Kindly be brave enough to reply my email today asking for confirmation that you take responsibility for the above posting.If you are doing this through someone else we will do the needful to loacte the person.When posting such articles please provide your full style address and contact information as well. As notified earlier if you fail to revert within 24 hrs we will do it on your behalf. Since we have an address to provide please contact us for further clarification.
    Ajoy Lopez
    Right Way Marine Cargo LLC

  2. Robert Holtet says:

    Rather than continue to play into Mr. Lopez and his bag of lies and deceit, let’s summarize with one sentence……WOULD YOU LIKE TO SPEND YOUR MONEY TO GET NOTHING BUT THIS TYPE OF HEADACHE IN RETURN?

    Mr. Lopez is a scammer. If he spent half as much time doing the job you paid his company to do and less time trying to scam people and threaten them over the internet, he wouldn’t have to worry about how much money his is reportedly losing. Your victims suffered from your actions Mr. Lopez, so now must you.

    Mr. Lopez fails to report that he was paid $6300 (full payment in advance….I know, stupid me!) on loading shipment. He failed to pay a single penny of that to Maersk or forwarding agents. When he tried to claim this IHI hike onto me, Maersk even told him to fly a kite.

    Mr. Lopez, you continue to be a deceitful, misinformation-spreading chor. Let me remind you, you “so-smart” con artist, that posting other people’s passport details on the internet is illegal. So, in short, take my advice and cut your Yahoo Questions- Legal Help monologues and dig yourself a deep hole, or better yet, run back to Trivandrum to your rickshaw and do something worthy with your life.

  3. Robert Holtet says:

    Oh yeah….one last thing…..”You have got a 20 std full packaging and relocation on door to door terms from Fujairah,UAE to UB,Mangolia for less than USD 3000/-
    You expect us to pay an additional of USD 1750/- on your behalf. Since we run a business and not a charity organization this demand can not be met.”

    Mr. Lopez, what part of this is true in your head? Our belongings left Fujairah June 24, 2011 and we finally received them February 18, 2012….almost 8 months later! We not only paid YOU $6300, but also had to pay the shipping lines $3000 because you ABSCONDED from full payment EVEN AFTER 8 MONTHS AND MORE THAN 300 EMAILS between MAERSK AND THE LOCAL AGENTS ASKING YOU TO PAY YOUR BILLS.

    You can keep trying to erase your scale of fraud Mr. Lopez. Hopefully, all of your legal threats and “Defamation cases” will beat your victims authentic criminal cases to the docket in the Sharjah Courts, but even if they do, we hold all of the evidence to prove what a deceitful, manipulating, unethical person you are. Evidence, my ignorant man, eliminates defamation. Do your legal homework.

  4. Robert Holtet says:

    Forgot another thing for those of you still considering using RIGHTWAY MARINE CARGO or Ajoy Cecil Lopez for any kind of business transaction……..

    It is now April 16th, and we still do not have our belongings moved “door-to-door” because the local Mongolian agent was not paid by RIGHTWAY MARINE CARGO either!

    We will have to pay another $700 (which Rightway charged and was paid $1300 in the first place) in order to have the shipment unpacked. We won’t even put a price tag on the disruption to our lives for the past 9 months or the ancillary cost associated with doing business with Mr. Lopez.

    Do yourself a favor and just look elsewhere………he is doubly desperate now to bank some extra cash……dont be his next victim!

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