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* angela us a scammer- dont fall for it

Thanks for your getting back to me your kind e-mail was greatly
appreciated I am a Certified Payroll Specialist (CPS) I work as a
contractor by Outsourcing Checks for various companies. So they
provide me the bank accounts and just one authorized signature to
operate and use to print and mail out checks to there numerous
clients.Now I am looking to expand my service and therefore want to
hire a book-keeper on contract who have an idea on how to operate and
work with the VersaCheck gold 2012 accounting software or is a quick
learner and can easily learn it.

Please read carefully and digest all the following details.

Listed Below are the requirement(s):

(1) Must be a fast enough to print checks neatly and have a good background.

(2) Must have a good knowledge on how to package each check in
envelopes making sure they are very secure,confidential and official.

(3) Must have a good printer and scanner for perfect and quality
printing of checks.

(4) Must be able to print and mail out checks before the UPS courier
service pickup time in his/her location.

As a bookkeeper that will be printing and mailing out checks,there are
special supplies needed.

(1) Versacheck Gold 2012 accounting software

(2) Business check form #3000 or form #1000

(3) Legal Size regular/standard envelopes

Note: (1) You must have an effective color printer with efficient
Ink.The Ink must be a magnetic ink which would be compatible with the
printer you’re using.

(2) You do not need to purchase the Versacheck accounting software
because it is too costly,so therefore i will purchase the software and
send it to You.

(3) You are required to purchase just the business check form papers
so as just to show commitment to the Job.Please note that this is 100%
real and legit,so the fact that you are asked to purchase the papers
doesn’t mean one is trying to get money out of your purse,remember you
will be the one to be using the papers for printing and you are
expected to purchase it so you can take it more serious and personal
as if it’s your own too.But note that you will be reimbursed for the
purchase of the papers.

•Salary and Benefits•
A competitive salary and excellent benefits including medical, dental,
life, 401K, vacation, sick, personal and  holiday time, this job
requires a minimum of 14-15 hours per week. Your salary will be based
on the part time salary rate, but you will be paid $1,500 monthly
working from your home. If sufficient work is available, you may be
asked to work additional shifts and you will receive additional pay
for the extra time worked.

Thanks for your time.


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One response to “angela us a scammer- dont fall for it”

  1. Karen says:

    I received the exact same email in response to my Craigslist ad for product review website services.

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