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* Engineer Working in London going to Nigeria

Met a man on Badoo said he was an Engineer from Seattle working in the UK then traveling to Nigeria to sign a contract… He said he was in love with me after 2 days.. wanted to get married then when we were suppose to meet his hotel was attacked by gunmen… The hospital contacted me via email. First to sign a consent form to get the medical attention he needed then they asked for money for his treatment. I contacted the United states Embassy and informed them… just in case this is a real person in need.. then I told the scammers to contact the Embassy and gave them the phone numbers and told them I was advised not to send money.. No more emails from the so called hospital .. I even email the hotel he was suppose to be staying at.


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One response to “Engineer Working in London going to Nigeria”

  1. kristiina galvagno says:

    just wondering if your guy on badoo was by chance named douglas petrovic or dobrilo douglas or douglas dobrilo?? i myself got scammed and also have a report on scam radar,he got two of us already here in the south!! we are in daily contact,please contact me,we are trying to make a support group,for we feel its the same person he is also connected with gregory woods………….

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