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* MONEY SCAM: www.theflametree.org

ANOTHER BIG SCAM THROUGH Name called FREEDOM WORKSHOP FROM http://www.theflametree.org/

P K SWAMY A big fraud conducts a workshop charging 1000/- rupees for each person in a hotel called Casa De Bangaluru from 9 am – 5:30 pm on false promises about making anyone know secret of becoming rich, i have lost 1k already BEAWARE OF SUCH WORKSHOPS…

PK SWAMY IS ONE FRUSTRATED MAN who is commenting on society, relationships just blabbering all does is some analysis on poor, middle and rich class..cuts some jokes on himself and his past its just pathetic to sit there and he never tells any secret but mentions you can double or triple money by investing in real estate and properties as he claims he is a builder but all wrong he looks like a pick pocket er stealing money from people covering even hotel food and hall cost from them by charging 1k. Police FIR case has been registered against him. BEWARE…DO NOT INVEST ANY MONEY ON ANY WORKSHOP LIKE THESE AND LOOSE YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY.


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