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* Henry Saunders – Child Care scam

Below was the 1st email I recived from him in other emails he was going to give me an advance. I figured out it was a scam when he was asking for me to pay off his nanny.

Good Day My Name is Henry Saunders from Florida, are you interested in Babysitting my two kids?.We are looking for someone to take over from our current sitter starting towards September 2008 or let me know when you will be available. We have 2 children. We are pretty flexible with hours however the general hours until about may, at that point they will increase a little will be Mon – Fri 8/ 8:30 am to 4/5:30pm,And if possible you could work over the weekend that will be great. There ages are 3years and 2years old respectively.We are looking for who is just fun and would like to continue being a kid themselves.Get back to me with your price and if possible some References.

I didn’t fall for it and I don’t want anyone eles to either


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One response to “Henry Saunders – Child Care scam”

  1. SWFL says:

    I just received the same exact email and responded with a general thank you and request about his family. Here is the response I received.

    “Hello,I am currently on an Official Assignment with my company,that is why i have been unable to reply your mail instantly. I don’t have access to email everytime but i will make sure i get in touch with you at most. but i believe by then you would have start taking care of my kids. Actually i Live in Florida but i am not at home right now. I am in Texas, where i came to inspect for my company because i am the inspection manager for my company. I am a single Parent and my kids are with my former nanny but she said she will be going to Curacao to meet her family after a long while, and she won’t be able to Babysit my Kids anymore. These are the reasons why i have contacted you to start the nanny job until i get back Home. You can Babysit them in your home or mine, just let me know which one suits and convenience for you. Also you timing for taking care of the children are okay by me, so won’t be a problem at all.Please let me know how much you will be charging, because i will need you to start as soon as possible and i will be making available of a week Advance Payment, and i am ready to do more for my kids, i love them so much and they are all i have got right now and..We are very friendly, kind, caring and good christain, and also you will be among our lovely family. Can you also take your time to tell me a little about your personal Life.. .I will be getting some new books, toys and games for them too, which i will be sending via Courier Service.Email me back as soon as you receive this message and i will be waiting to hear from you.”

    I’m not going to give any personal information but want to see where it leads.

    Thank you for your positng Karya

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