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* Scam Job

Hello i got an email from you regarding the Payroll Clerk job i posted on craigslist.

Am Ms Elizabethal Bright, i’m hearing impaired and happily married with 4 great kids, I’m also located in New Jersey but it doesn’t matter where you are located before you can secure the job because i’ve consider it can be done from your home, My professional carrier job is payroll ,I own the business and i’ve been into this business for few years back, Now i think i need assistant who will be helping me with this payroll stuff,this job take most of mytime and i think i
need to spend most of my time with my children this time around, that is why am in need of helper to do part of the job.

Have you ever been into payroll work before? well i don’t think that should be the problem as am sure this work is very easy to learn if you are a quick learner.


I will be paying you $1,000 monthly salary by working from your home, Extra $100 bonus as your transportation allowance



I use to get contract from different companies and they ask me to send payroll check to their (Customer)(Client)

(Workers), So you will be responsible for that, you will be mailling the check out to those client via Fedex .com, You will be doing this job in your home. I think this job is a great opportunity for you and it doesn’t require any specific

time to do the job, you can work any time you like in a day, you can also do this at night and send them out next morning if you are busy during the day, Note that i will be responsible for the postage.Before you can start this job, you will need to get below materials, you are going to use the materials to start your


1. A printer & Scanner ( Must have or willing to purchase )
2. 3 boxes of Versa check papers: Form#3000 OR Form#1000 ( You will purchase and i’ll reimburse you back )
3. Versa Check Gold 2012 software ( You will purchase and i’ll reimburse you back )

Note that every material you purchase to start this job would be reimbursed along with your first salary upon presentation

of purchase receipts.

Please if you are interested and want to know more about this job, please kindly chat with me on my yahoo IM via ([email protected] ) i stay online from 7;30am to 2pm everyday.if you don’t have a yahoo IM please kindly

set up one so you be able to chat with me online.

Response from you would be highly appreciated.

Thanks for your interest
Warmest Regards,

Ms Elizabethal Bright


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2 responses to “Scam Job”

  1. Angela Hernandez says:

    This is the email I Rcvd

    Hello i got an email from you regarding the Payroll job i posted on craigslist.

    Am Mr Amanda Robert , I’m hearing impaired and happily married with 4 great kids, I’m also located in Ohio, but it doesn’t matter where you are located before you can secure the job because I’ve consider it can be done from your home, My professional carrier job is payroll ,I own the business and I’ve been into this business for few years back, Now i think i need assistant who will be helping me with this payroll stuff,this job take most of my time and i think i need to spend most of my time with my children this time around, that is why am in need of helper to do part of the job.
    Have you ever been into payroll work before? well I don’t think that should be the problem as am sure this work is very easy to learn if you are a quick learner.


    I will be paying you $1,200 monthly salary by working from your home, Extra $100 bonus as your transportation allowance monthly


    I use to get contract from different companies and they ask me to send payroll check to their (Customer)(Client) (Workers), So you will be responsible for that, you will be mailing the check out to those client via FedEx.com, You will be doing this job in your home. I think this job is a great opportunity for you and it doesn’t require any specific time to do the job, you can work any time you like in a day, you can also do this at night and send them out next morning if you are busy during the day, Note that i will be responsible for the postage.Before you can start this job, you will need to get below materials, you are going to use the materials to start your job.

    1. A printer & Scanner ( Must have or willing to purchase )

    2. 3 boxes of Versa check papers: Form#3000 OR Form#1000 ( You will purchase and I’ll reimburse you back )

    3. Versa Check Gold 2012 software ( You will purchase and I’ll reimburse you back )

    Note that every material you purchase to start this job would be reimbursed along with your first salary upon presentation of purchase receipts.

    Please if you are interested and want to know more about this job, please kindly chat with me on my yahoo IM via ( [email protected] ) i stay online from 7;30am to 12pm and 5pm to 10 pm everyday. if you don’t have a yahoo IM please kindly set up one so you be able to chat with me online.

    Response from you would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks for your interest

    Warmest Regards,

    Mr Amanda Robert

  2. minh says:

    Hello, Am Susan Dane, I’m hearing impaired and happily married with 4
    great kids, I’m also located in New Jersey but it doesn’t matter
    where you are located before you can secure the job because I’ve
    consider it can be done from your home, My professional carrier job
    is payroll, I own the business and I’ve been into this business for
    few years back, Now i think i need assistant who will be helping me
    with this payroll stuff, this job take most of my time and i think i
    need to spend most of my time with my children this time around, that
    is why am in need of helper to do part of the job. Now my present
    assistant is taking a leave of absence for several months and my need
    is immediate.

    Have you ever been into payroll work before? well i don’t think that
    should be the problem as am sure this work is very easy to learn if
    you are a quick learner.

    I will be paying you $1,100 monthly salary by working from your home,
    Extra $100 bonus as your transportation allowance monthly

    I use to get contract from different companies and they ask me to
    send payroll check to their (Customer)(Client)(Workers), So you will
    be responsible for that, you will be mailing the check out to those
    client via FedEx .com, You will be doing this job in your home. I
    think this job is a great opportunity for you and it doesn’t require
    any specific time to do the job, you can work any time you like in a
    day, you can also do this at night and send them out next morning if
    you are busy during the day, Note that i will be responsible for the
    postage. Before you can start this job, you will need to get below
    materials, you are going to use the materials to start your job.

    1. A printer & Scanner ( Must have or willing to purchase )
    2. 3 boxes of Versa check papers: Form#3000 or Form#1000 ( You will
    purchase and I’ll reimburse you back )
    3. Letter size brown envelope
    4. Plain Paper

    Note: that every material you purchase to start this job would be
    reimbursed along with your first salary upon presentation of purchase
    receipts. And i will provide you the software you will install on your
    computer when you have the supplies need ready for the job and scan me
    the receipt for reimbursment. Okay

    Please if you are interested and want to know more about this job,
    please kindly chat with me on my yahoo IM via ([email protected])
    i stay online from 7;30am to 2pm everyday. if you don’t have a yahoo
    IM please kindly set up one so you be able to chat with me online.
    Response from you would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks for your interest

    Warmest Regards,

    Susan Dane.

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