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* Purechemicals.net are scammers

Avoid this website like the plague. I was dumb enough to give them my CC#. They stole my money and never responded to me or shipped anything… I had to cancel my credit card because of it. VERY frustrating


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7 responses to “Purechemicals.net are scammers”

  1. justin east says:

    i placed a order with them. never once reveived a tracking number like they promised. never once replied to any of my 6 emails i sent them. i try to call the numbers on there site and it doesent work. i googled the sms/mobile number they gave me and it gave me a address to a plant food store that sale mephedrone. oh and like 15 outhersits use the same number 07968748813

  2. matthew says:

    think you are probably mistaken, they are one of the uks top sites and a trusted member of the AIRCR, you probably had problems with royal mail

  3. shadycats says:

    haha i dont know they gave me a tracking number and kept in contact with me the whole time..i think they are legit.

  4. faceman says:

    Good try, but I think you are not a customer. On the page below you used a text in “advertisment” which is really similar to the one you posted above.

    above:..” they are one of the uks top sites and a trusted member of the AIRCR”…


    on the site:


    And on this page:


    one user writes:

    “purechemicals are defo not a scam site, one of the UKs largest and part of the AIRCR”

    The AIRCR part sounds really similar to the text above.

    This is not a proof for scam or no scam but it’s at all events suspicious.
    But why should a customer advertise in that way?

  5. thomas says:

    Purechemicals.net are 100% legit. They are not a scam!

  6. Jack says:

    I’m getting mixed reviews on this one! What to do, what to do? I’ll get a prepaid with only the amount for a sample order and let u guys know what happened. Cool? Not sure what else I can do? Anyone trustworthy want to vouch for this site?

  7. simon willis says:

    I only buy from these guys and BRC. one of the top UK sites for sure, defo not scammers

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