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* badoo

this site was using my photos without my consent and i could not delete my profile. please do not join the badoo dating site. its full of creeps.


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4 responses to “badoo”

  1. Hi Jean!
    Sorry this happened to you. I do know these cases of identity theft. A friend of mine and I had to experience the same issue on another social site. But we found out that a group of (by themself) so called “scambusters” from Russia and UK use stolen pictures and faked profiles to defraud their friends and unaware internet users. The head of this group with the nick “Began Steele” even admitted in an email to me that this is usual practice among his groups’ members.
    Am rather sure that a site like badoo does not knowingly commit identity theft.
    In any way you should be able to send a complaint to the admin of the site. If you provide proof they will remove the fraudulent profile. By the way, practically all social sites host at least 50 to 60 % scammer profiles, be careful and hide your private details. Good luck, Yvonna

  2. I too am suspecting BaDoo may be the fake face of scam operators out of Ghana, Africa. Too many coincidences. Fake profiles of professional people with degrees, dead spouses, children religious “fear of God”, etc. They claim they’re local, try to seduce you, then get to their real points–ask for money or personal information. They call from Ghana. They have linked pages on Facebook. Something needs to be done by BaDoo and Facebook to delete these fake profiles and make the websites safe. Of course, BaDoo is likely set up by them for these scamming purposes in my opinion!

  3. Helen Pessoni says:

    I have been trying to delete my profle on Badoo whitout success, now I can not enter the site to eliminate my picture and name, because my profile appears as deleted, but if I look for my name on google, it is the first reference and people can access it. I have been trying to contact webmaster, but nothing has been made. Where can I report this. They can not continue using my profile

  4. I was taling to this guy by the name of Victor. Apparently he is in the Army and going to retire on March. He sent me a confirmation of a ticket he bought because he wanted to see me . He stated he is coming from Africa to here and sent me a flight ticket conf. through email. After that he asked me if i can send him $300 dollars for luggage and stuffs. I am emailing him making him think I will put the money . I need to put the money through Western Union to David Macdo Osogbo State Osun zipcode 23435. I am reporting these guys because i am pretty sure there are ignorant people out there .

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