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* bank’s lie…

Can I trust you?
Noah Odartey Ampofo
Add to Contacts
To: [email protected]

From: Mr. Noah Odartey Ampofo
Audit & Accounts Department
Commercial Bank, Ghana.

Compliments of the day, I apologize if my mail infringes on your personal
ethics but it will be my humble pleasure if we can work together. I am a
senior staff working with a commercial bank here in Ghana. I would like
you to act as an executor of a deceased client who made a deposit of
(US$18,000,000.00) with the Bank here in Ghana. The late client mapped out
this deposit for a transport company and a Five star hotel project after
U.S president Obama visit to Ghana.

Unfortunately he died in the hotel beach in Thailand tsunami with his wife
and their only child leaving behind no next of kin. And a citizen of my
country cannot stand as his next of Kin, which is why I contacted you. I
need your assistance in claiming/repatriating the funds before it is
declared unserviceable by the bank and forefitted to the treasury. I am
ready to share the fund in the ratio of 35% for you and 65% for me, if you
are interested kindly mail me immediately for further details in this
great opportunity. I will give you every information upon your response to
this proposal indicating your willingness to partner with me.

Best Regards,
Mr. Noah Odartey Ampofo


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