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Dear Winner,

Your identification have been received in this office.
Due to Government Policies of our Country (UK),all legal procedures should be observed.

This means that you have been officially cleared for payment by the Verifications Department at the headquarters of the National Lottery.

Your Fund, original copy of your winning certificate, together with a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the UK government stating that the money was obtained legally through their National Lottery promotion.

You are to come down to London for handover of your winning.

Alternatively,If you cannot make it down you are to contact the lottery office Attorney, Barrister Mayall Emerson Stuart, They will be in position to hand over your winnings to you with all the necessary documents since you cannot be present here in person.

He has been the lottery office Attorney for over twelve years and his integrity have been held as one of the most reliable Attorney in the United Kingdom, therefore feel free to relate things with him.

You can contact him in his chambers with the email address and details below :

The Law Offices of Barrister Mayall Emerson Stuart,
Suite 28, 80A Blackheath Road
Greenwich London
SE10 8DA
Telephone: +44 702 403 8804
+44 703 598 0958
Fax: On Request
DX: 12408 Northampton
Email:[email protected]


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