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* networksolutions

networksolutions are hosting the scammers following

Dear Member,

We were unable to verify your credit card billing address.

One possible problem could be that you entered a different address to the one where you receive your bills for this card. If this is the case, the solution is as easy as entering the correct billing address.

Is your address spelled correctly?

TradeMe verifies the billing address with your credit card provider. Please be sure that you have entered the address exactly as it is printed on your billing statements.

Have you moved recently?

If so, be sure that you are entering the exact address where you receive your billing statements for this card.
How do I fix this problem?

Click here and complete the renew form with your current information.

Why does TradeMe verify my credit card billing address?

In order to protect our customers, TradeMe is constantly working to ensure the integrity of our payment network and to eliminate the threat of fraud. Verifying credit card billing addresses is just one of the stringent checks we make so that none of our members fall victim to fraud.


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