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* Global Inc – Copy and Paste scam

For $79 or $149 you can either get paid $7 or $15 to go to different web sites and copy and paste answers to questions posted on their home page. After two days their home page disappeared,and log in info for alternate home page doesn’t work.I even have proof of payment,but not a word from this co.THEY SCAMMED ME! DON’T LET THEM SCAM YOU!


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4 responses to “Global Inc – Copy and Paste scam”

  1. Julie says:

    Is this a scam????

    Thank you for your interest in this position.
    I can assure you this is NOT a scam, you WILL earn money. I realize you may be worried this is a scam, but once again it is NOT a scam, it’s 100% legit.
    Here is what we offer:

    Work from your home full or part-time.
    Complete on-line training included
    You are paid for every response you send.
    Work at your convenience

    Here is what you will need:

    A computer with an Internet connection
    A valid e-mail address
    Being able to type at least 10 words/minute
    The desire to learn and to reach new goals

    We are only looking for highly motivated individuals with the desire to work with Internet ads. As we’ve mentioned before, no previous experience is required. With the help of your Internet connection and your computer, you will be asked to fill out applications that are sent to you. Everything will be explained to you in your training guide who will be sent to you by e-mail. There is no contract to sign and the number of applications you fill out is entirely up you. However, you will need to fill them out quickly.

    You will be paid between $10-$20 for every application. For example, if you send back 35 applications in a week, you could easily make $350 to $700. Ordinary people, just like you, usually average around $600 a week. It’s all up to you. You will be responsible for keeping track of your earning since we don’t collect any taxes and don’t supply the 1099 form (US applicants).

    The training guide we’ll send you will give you every detail you need to get started. You will be able to start earning money the same day you receive the guide. There is no special software needed.

    You will receive payment for every application, via PayPal. There is a ONE TIME fee of $10, NON REFUNDABLE. With just the first application, you’ll have already made your money back! This is a very small fee which helps to protect us from people who are not really serious about this opportunity or not really right for the job. No business can afford to cover the administrative fees, time lost or the dispense of costly material to anyone asking to know more about the job. If you find this outrageous or are not able to come up with this small fee, please take no notice of this e-mail.
    (If you are worried about us getting your credit card information or banking information I can assure you that we won’t and will not be able to. PayPal is the safest way to send and recieve payments, I cannot access your information and you cannot access mine, you just simply send us our one time fee and that is all, we will then send you our training guide.)
    The training guide and additional information will be sent to you upon collection of your payment.
    You will be able to start immediately.

    If you don’t have a PayPal account, click on the link below to open one, completely free.
    This will enable you to get paid and buy the training material. Please contact us when the payment has been made so we can send you everything you need as soon as possible.

    http://www.paypal.com , is a completely free and safe service. Please send your PayPal payment to our e-mail address [email protected]
    You will receive your training guide within 24 hours of your payment.
    Thank your for your interest in this position and good luck.

  2. ScamRadar says:

    Hi Julie,

    This sounds like one of those old concepts used in the past…

    Basically, the “training guide” will tell you to do the same thing he or she’s doing. Post your ad with the same content, email people the same content, and you make money when others fall for it by buying the “training guide”

  3. Janet says:

    Just got a call from Global international from phone number 1-876-280-3648. Said I just won $750,000. When I asked for an address to confirm he got hostile…lol.

    This is a scam people, thanks to caller ID I was able to submit the number above to the FBI fraud department….. Hope they get this scum

  4. sheryl Douglas says:

    I received a email today with a job offer for this company to do shipping stuff from my home and get paid 500.00 per week. They want me to submit a current resume and they gave me an address. I leaning more towards the scam stuff sine there was not letter head and no company address etc etc. And of course I didn’t sent nothing back. I need a job desperately but not this desperately. Has anyone else experienced tis?

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