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* Just2pure.com – Lying, cheating, and putting lives in danger.

I recently ordered some aMT from their website, even though I was dubious about the site being legitimate. The site is littered with spelling mistakes, and they sell chemicals which no other REPUTABLE company sell.

But despite that I placed an order any way. About two weeks later the aMT arrived, and I was shocked to find that whatever they had sent me clearly was not aMT. The power was black and had a burnt smell to it, it literally looked liked the scrapings from burnt toast. Whatever he had sent me was clearly not what I had paid for, and I for one thing am not up for dying.

I have since thrown the aMT in the bin, and I WILL NOT BE ORDERING FROM THEM AGAIN.

Trust me on this one, avoid Ben Thompson and his so called “COMPANIES” at all costs. This man is selling dangerous substances to the public and he clearly does not care about peoples well being.


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9 responses to “Just2pure.com – Lying, cheating, and putting lives in danger.”

  1. just2pure says:

    for 1 we have never sent anything black to any 1

  2. just2pure says:

    oh and i guess you meant to say powder not power? this is posted by another vendor also knowns as buckled bonzi who also breached the data protection act!

  3. Tracy Hughes says:

    Ben, stop blaming Buckled Bonzi. Just because they actually sell the correct products that they list on their site, and offer great customer service, and aren’t some little chump that sells fakes drugs from their bedroom at MUMMY’S HOUSE, doesn’t mean they are behind this.

    There have been numerous reports about you, and your FAIL BUSINESS I think that the evidence speaks for itself.


  4. just2pure says:

    you can tell your just another vendor and business is fine and dandy thankyou.

  5. avon says:

    This man is full of shite 100 in fact 200% if thats possible.and as for these people above stating they bought this they bought that and it was good i suspect it is them pretending to be happy customers. Just2pure have an add on alibaba selling it RTI-126 at £800 per 100 grams (its now gone up to £1600). Contacted the fella through email and tried to purchase 100 grams but beforehand i need to speak to him and if he can send phone number.No number came.I emailed again and asked him to contact me and left my number he replied that he would call me at a certain time which he did on a witheld number.(not a good sign).Leeds I suspect but definitely northern/Yorkshire accent I explained i needed to buy a 100 grams for research purposes.He gives me all the talk so i explain if we do business i need a number to call him on.Which he gives twice. How can you do business without a phone number???Impossible.He asked for my address which i gave him he emailed me that the sample will be there the following day.Next day nothing i ring the phone number he gave me, DUD.I email him as i was supposed to get sample that day and pay for the rest through paypal or drive to him.No reply.Again the next day no reply.I email him again and he replies with his computer has crashed so all his contacts mysteriously vanished but if i send address he will send sample.Again nothing.This was a waste of a week.Its now been 3/4 weeks and nothing.I personally think he is a scam artist and realised i was’nt an idiot so made up excuses.I believe after research its a Ben morris from Blue Agricultural given the accent and reports from other forums.His name might not even be Ben morris (fake name)but definitely linked to Just2Pure and Leeds.His voice was a yorkshire accent.What man or ligitimate businessman hides behing a computer lying without a contact number or address if he has nothing to hide?Due to past experiences i believe he is an oppurtunist scam artist.If he was not there would be some positive talk online not just vague claims that they purchased from them and it was “good” BOLLOCKS”

  6. liam says:

    Ben Thompson not Ben Morris.Pisxed me of that much made me make spelling mistake!!

  7. Sam says:

    so glad i have checked google about this company i was literately going to place an order , but a few alarm bells went off , The prices seemed to good to be true and it seems I was right

  8. D says:

    I can just repeat,DON’T BUY FROM THOSE GREEDY BASTARDS I sent them around 50 p for rare chemicals (I should know that it is impossible someone on the RC market has already those compounds,but the exitement to find them was stronger) and all of them was DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF THE SAME – MAYBE ORGANIC – WHITE POWDER!!!!!
    And I had to ask several times until they just sent me anything.
    So avoid Just 2 Pure.com in any case!!!!!
    Burning your money is more effective…
    And it isn’t just mean,in case of burnt black powder it seems to be quiet dangerous too…

  9. william jones says:

    public much safer..

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