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* email scam

Attn: Beneficiary,

Be informed that your part-payment of ($950.000.00 USD) from International Monetary
Fund Unit (IMF) has been approved to transfer via our department of Western Union,
Meanwhile your urgent respond is highly needed with the re-confirmation of your details
where and how to receive your funds in our office such as: Your Name: Country: State
and City.

Also the payment of US$8,000.00 has already been made through Western Union for you to
pick it up, but before you can have access to pick up your first payment you are
required to pay sum of (US$250.00 ) for reactivating of your payment files
KTU/9023118308 and also to ensure you are the right person to receive the fund. Upon
receiption of the Activation fee, we shall forward the payment details of the first
transfer of US$8,000.00 to you and you can pick it up at any Western Union in your

You can easily get back to us via email or telephone # for more details while the
amount you will be confirming daily is (US$8,000.00) starting from the day we receive
the Activation fee.

You can also use the name below to send the Activation Fee via Western Union or money
gram and send to us the payment details:

Receiver Name:Sulley Charles George
City:kuala lumpur, malaysia

MTCN Number#,……
Sender’s Name:…….

Here is the e-mail address you can contact us and also the person that can work on your
files after you made the payment of US$250.00

Director; Rev. Mike Johnson
E-mail :[email protected]
E-mail :[email protected]

We are looking forward to hear from you.


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2 responses to “email scam”

  1. […] ScamRadar.com – email scam – Report a Scammer! […]

  2. Erica says:

    I think they are scamming again.

    They say I can pick up 5000 dollar each day, I onley need to pay 100 dollars to pick up the money.
    Why would some one give away so much money JUST LIKE THAT….

    don’t fall for it

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