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* Craigslist Scam

SCAM buyer reply’s with this question:


I am interested, inform me if you still have it

Thank You

>Then, you reply w/ yes, I do, and the scammer then replies with this:

Thank you for getting back with me

I’m very interested in this but before I buy it I need to know if its
the same one I’m looking for because I can’t afford another mistake
Please check out this video here I uploaded


If its the same one I will be there today to buy it


> Then you start to wonder why in the world someone sends a link to a video when they are trying to buy something, so you smell a scam and post on this webpage.

1. Never give out info on the internet for any reason until you are 100% confident it is safe to do so.

2. Don’t trust [email protected], whoever the scammer is.


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19 responses to “Craigslist Scam”

  1. Debra Welch says:

    [email protected] 7:42am
    Thank you for getting back with me

    I’m very interested in this but before I buy it I need to know if its
    the same one I’m looking for because I can’t afford another mistake
    Please check out this video here I uploaded, which i am looking to buy


    If its the same one I will be there today to buy it

    – Show quoted text –

  2. Michelle says:

    I received the same thing and clicked on the link, unfortunately, before I thought about it. A video website came up but nothing happened because it said I need to download their program (which I didn’t). Is there a virus linked and does it only effect you if the video runs? I’m worried that either I have a virus or they can obtain personal information. Does anyone know??

  3. MoreAware says:

    I received the same email, but from [email protected]


  4. John says:

    I got the same email from [email protected]. Damn scammers….I was so happy someone was interested. @#$@#$

  5. C says:

    I got the same email from [email protected]. The tip off for me was I am selling a futon mattress…why would you need a video for a mattress. Silly scammers.

  6. HeyZeus says:

    i got the same mailing from [email protected] Dang and I was hoping to sell my stuff too… 8( All they have is my bucket bin email address thankfully. sometimes it pays to be an over zealous security freak…

  7. John says:

    I got the same email from [email protected].

  8. Kim says:

    I got the same from

    [email protected];

  9. Raul says:

    i got the same email from [email protected]. im selling my Dsi black. why would u need a video.

  10. Jill says:

    I got the same message. At first I thought it was legit since I was selling a DVD workout series, but then I got another one for a headboard I’m selling -saying the exact thing. I clicked on the link (from the first email), but didn’t download software to make it run. I did, however, include my home and cell phone numbers in the reply. I hope that doesn’t mean they have information that could be harmful. Got mine from [email protected] and [email protected]

  11. casey says:

    i got 2 emails stating the same thing from [email protected] and [email protected] and i was selling collector barbie dolls. i got my hopes up for nothing. stupid scammers.

  12. Ana says:

    [email protected] send me the following;

    Thank you for getting back with me

    I just want to make sure i am going to buy the same which i am looking for.
    I can’t afford another mistake as i did in the past.
    Please check the video and confirm that it’s the same u have.


    If its the same one I will be there today to buy it


    I didn’t click.

  13. Matt says:

    [email protected] = same thing… scam…

  14. Joanie says:

    I got the same thing from this character
    [email protected]

    Unfortunately, I clicked on the link … would still like to know if they can obtain information via that click or get a hold of my computer remotely.

    Someone please answer!!!

  15. This spammer has so many posted ads that it passes the SPAM AWARD contest by a million times over the next spammers work.

  16. TO: JIM, CRAIG & CLINT, This spammer has so many posted ads that it passes the SPAM AWARD contest by a million times over the next spammers work. ARE YOU READY FOR MORE ?

  17. Andy says:

    I got the same from This sender is DomainKeys verified”ShannonHolt” <[email protected]

  18. Scotty says:

    I believe this is a cell phone Phishing Scam. If you down load the FLV player
    it repeatedly ask for your cell phone number. Then you will find a $9.95 charge
    on your next cell phone bill.

  19. Paul says:

    I have gotten several of these scam replies from all of my Craiglist postings. It’s unfortunate that Craigslist.org will not recognize this problem and take action. It won’t take long before the public stops using Craigslist because this problem has become rampant.

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