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FOUR SEASON MOTORS SCAM. Black bear consulting fights back against scam!

Hi. My name is Tom Ruiz and I’ve been the victim of a scam. I recently purchased a vehicle from four season motors and it barely made it off the lot before it blew. At first I thought I might’ve been just very unlucky, but after consulting with my mechanic, it became very clear I’d been had by a scam.

Here’s how it works at four season motors:

First they sweet talk you like crazy, give you refreshments and these tasty mint things. (I forget what they’re called but they’re very good!) Then they show you a car, let you test drive it and of course it drives like a dream. If you try to buy it right then and there, they tell you you have to wait for “paperwork” to be processed, and tell you to come back the next day. Naturally, when you try to buy your dream car, it will look identical to the other car, but have a significantly worse engine. I thought it sounded a bit different when I first got in, but didn’t think anything of it. Once I got down the road, I knew something was different. Then it blew up. Let me just say this:

Four season motors is a scam!

And once more for good measure:

Four season motors is a scam!

Actually, one more time, just to make sure we’re clear:

Four season motors is a scam! DO NOT BUY FROM THEM!

The good news is: I’m a lawyer. I’m going to file a suit against them on Monday. If you have been scammed by these people, LET ME KNOW! I’m looking for a class action suit. Just drop me a line and I will make sure you get your fair share! These people have a lot of tangible assets, so there should be plenty to go around when we shut them down and sell it all off.

Anyways, here’s what I’ve learned from this scam and from my general experience with four season motors:

Any company which changes its name four times in three years is suspicious. Admittedly, I’ve had to change my name twice in ten years, but only because of departing partners. (My company used to be called Three Bears Consulting and Ruiz & Jackson Consulting.) Even with all the upheaval in my company’s history, we haven’t had nearly the degree of change that four season motors has.

Always test drive the car before taking it off the lot! If they won’t let you, it’s probably a scam.

If you are like me and know nothing about cars, bring someone who does! And ask to look under the hood. If they don’t let you do this, they are probably trying to scam you!

Www.carfax.com Fantastic tool which I found just a little too late.

Ok, for a recap, four season motors is a no good, thieving, scam company and my legal consulting company, Black Bear consulting is suing their pants off and looking for anyone else made a scam victim by them to join the suit. So if you live in the miami florida area, drop me a line!

You can reach me at [email protected]


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4 responses to “FOUR SEASON MOTORS SCAM”

  1. billy joe ralph brown says:

    four season motors is the most evil company ever. four season motors took all my money. four season motors tried to swindle my poor mom. four season motors even tried to set my house on fire by throwing burning bodies of dead clowns at it. ok, that last part i made up but im trying to make light of a serially messed up situation. im completely serial. ive looked into past crimes by four season motors:

    four season motors killed my cat when they ran it over during the “test drive”
    four season motors bought the nice bakery next door then closed it.
    four season motors thinks dolphins should be eaten like tuna
    four season motors has never sold a good car ever
    four season motors hates honesty and integrity
    four season motors was founded 1945, the year hitler died. coincidence?
    four season motors overprices for junk
    four season motors scams the elderly into car-giveaway ponzi schemes.
    four season motors looked at me funny just because i wore a purple feather boa
    four season motors eats children for fun, not because of hunger
    four season motors are capitalists
    four season motors don’t even sell motorcycles
    four season motors is just bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad

    but serially, four season motors is a scam operation. the guys that run this thing should be put in jail.

  2. billy joe ralph brown says:

    so when they going to jail? i want my money bak.

  3. bung says:

    this maek me sad

  4. bung says:

    I am so sad.

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