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* FBI ATM Card Payment

Anti-Terrorist and Monitory Crimes Division.
Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
J. Edgar. Hoover Building, Washington D.C


This is to Officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly completed an Investigated with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System that you are having an illegal transaction with Impostors claiming to be Prof. Charles C. Soludo of the Central Bank Of Nigeria, Mr. Patrick Aziza, Mr Frank Nweke,Sanusi Bello none officials of Oceanic Bank, none officials of Zenith Bank and some impostors claiming to be the Federal Bureau Of Investigation agents. During our Investigation, it came to our notice that the reason why you have not received your payment is because you have not fulfilled your Financial Obligation given to you in respect of your Contract/Inheritance Payment.

So therefore, we have contacted the Federal Ministry Of Finance on your behalf and they have brought a solution to your problem by coordinating your payment in the total amount of $800,000.00 USD which will be deposited into an ATM CARD which you will use to withdraw funds anywhere of the world. You now have the lawful right to claim your funds which have been deposited into the ATM CARD.

Since the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been involved in this transaction, you are now to be rest assured that this transaction is legitimate and completely risk-free as it is our duty to Protect and Serve citizens of the United States Of America. All you have to do is immediately contact the ATM CARD CENTER via E-mail for instructions on how to procure your Approval Slip which contains details on how to receive and activate your ATM CARD for immediate use to withdraw funds being paid to you. We have confirmed that the amount required to procure the Approval Slip will cost you a total of $200 USD which will be paid directly to the ATM CARD CENTER agent via Western Union Money Transfer / MoneyGram Money Transfer. Below, you shall find contact details of the Agent whom will process your transaction:



EMAIL : [email protected]

Immediately contact Mr. Paul Smith of the ATM Card Centre with the following information:
Full Name:
Zip Code:
Direct Phone Number:
Current Occupation:
Annual Income:

Once you have sent the required information to Mr. Paul Smith he will contact you with instructions on how to make the payment of $200 USD for the Approval Slip after which he will proceed towards delivery of the ATM CARD without any further delay. You have hereby been authorized/guaranteed by the Federal Bureau Of Investigation to commence towards completing this transaction, as there shall be NO delay once payment for the Approval Slip has been made to the authorized agent.

Once you have completed payment of $200 to the agent in charge of this transaction, immediately contact me back so as to ensure your ATM CARD gets to you rapidly.

FBI Director

Robert Mueller.


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4 responses to “FBI ATM Card Payment”

  1. Richard says:

    I love the fact that it starts off saying that the FBI knows you are doing a illegal transaction and finishs with them “helping” you to complete said ILLEGAL transaction!!

  2. Dr. Zdenka Saláková says:

    Dear Friends,

    July 28, 2010 I received from Mr. Kelvin Williams’ e-mail that after the payment of a fee of 600 GBP I become the owner of the ATM card. ATM card should be issued to the amount of 2,500,000 USD with a daily maximum of 10,000 GBP. Mr. Kelvin Williams asked me to keep more and more payments, even he wrote me before each payment that it is the last payment. Unfortunately it was not. Most he didn’t know the exact name of the bank or was missing or incorrectly mentioned SWIFT (BIC) code. 3 were returned to me my payments back (1x 500GBP and 2x 800 GBP). The required fees he keeps changing. He even told me that if I don’t pay EMB fee of 2,000 GBP, I will be in his Prague apartment arrested.
    In one of his e-mail he told me that I get an ATM card with a valid PIN. Number of cards and the PIN code I found on the Internet as spam. Late last year, I was delivered by DHL, the ATM card number 5001 0110 3429 0563rd. It was empty. He told me that from the UBA Bank I receive a new ATM card with a valid PIN, but after payment of 4,000 GBP. In his e-mail he urged me telephoned him. His phone number but I found in spam. Mr. Kelvin Williams told me that he for me paid 1,400 GBP and his brother together with Professor Soludo 660 GBP. Now he convinces me that for me pay an additional fee UBA Bank. At my request to sent me a confirmation of the payments he doesn’t reflect. Currently, he calls me a fee of 175 pounds. Since then, I asked him to send me confirmation of my payment and I sent him one spam on ATM card and his phone number he doesn’t respond to. I think this is a fraud. Chris Lucas of the Alliance Bank Claims confirmed my belief by, which, moreover, he afraid for my life. In one Mr. Kelvin Williams’ e-mail he says that the ATM card is used to refund the fees that I have pressure Barrister Walter Brown and Mrs. Rachael Evance paid to the ABSA Bank for imaginary heritage. It was from Mr. Williams a lie, because by that time the ”legacy“ he knew nothing.
    I think you should do in order of our ranks and not to employ people who only deal with blackmail (see Internet + 18,100 spam). A huge amount of spam you may have long leaded to not believe that everything is in order and that customers of the FBI ATM card are financially blackmailed.
    Let me send you an e-mail I received from Mr. Kelvin Williams and the list of my payments.
    I offered to Mr. Kelvin Williams have several options: 1) Sending ATM card without any additional charge with the fact that after receiving the ATM cards I pay UBA relevant fees.; 2) Sending a confirmation of all my charges and his payments and his brother and Professor Soludo, including official document to my ATM card. After receiving the documents, I wanted to pay a fee UBA 175 GBP.; 3) Urgent sending 7,000 GBP and I forget the ATM Card.; 4) Notice governing bodies of blackmail.
    I am a pensioner with a monthly pension 418 GBP. Moreover, I care more about my mother (96 years). At any payments I had to take out a loan. I’m waiting for resolution of the case and your urgent reply.
    Mr. Chris Lucas of the Claims Alliance Bank claims that he has my ATM card on his table and he is waiting only for the payment of a fee of 620 GBP and the corresponding ATM card along with PIN, he send me. One of these gentlemen, perhaps both men are cheaters. Please examine the whole matter.


  3. evita ashby says:

    [email protected] wrote me stating i have 10 million dollars i feel its a scam they want all my banking information red flags are up i replied stating i dont have a bank account havent heard anything but another email asking for bank information i sent name address and phone number please investigate

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