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* Poliquin Textiles

After reading the various reports on the Evang. Michael Rice scam, especially from Toronto, I am reporting that I just received the same ad in Nanaimo, B. C. Apparently the lead in is to advertise in Craigslist, as I had done recently.


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5 responses to “Poliquin Textiles”

  1. j says:

    I’ve just got one of these emails and I’ve never even visited craigslist.

  2. pg says:

    just recieved e-mail looking for mystery shoppers, etc. poliquin textiles was listed , was curious do to the fact they are a design co from canada,..do not see how the scam works any want to fill in the blanks?? Thanx

  3. Diana says:

    I just got “Rice Poliquin Textiles Ltd.” e-mail. I get these kind of e-mails about once a month. I’m just woundering, is there anybody left that do not know that these kind of e-mails are a SCAM…???

  4. pg says:

    Regarding poliquin Textile…they are a real company (family owned) out of quebec, they are ok…some scammer is using them and they are trying to track these people.Anytime you get any mail your not sure about…throw it away. Thanx

  5. sandra james says:

    I am SO pleased I was able to read this – I have applied for a job as a mystery shopper and been sent this ‘job’ to do from the email address [email protected] and was starting to think it looked a bit dodgy – is there anywhere I can report this or should I just delete it and forget it.

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