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* www.contentprof.com is a BIG SCAM


This is the conversation between the buyer and me. He asked me to write 10 articles which I did but after taking the articles and when I asked him for the payment he disappeared.

Two days have gone he has not even bothered to reply to mails.. and whereas at the time of getting the articles done he was dancing on my head.

He took away my articles and money too.

I want that his website should be banned…

me: but i have one condition that before starting on the project I would like you to award me the project on GAF officially..
6:32 PM writer1200: sure but I always award after 10 articles and if I dont like your work then I will pay you but not select you because I have to know that how efficient you are
me: hmmm..
writer1200: this is how I work
6:33 PM as soon as you complete the 10 I will pay you
6:37 PM me: ok..so where do you live..? do you own any company…??
any contact number of yours
writer1200: yes
6:38 PM you can take it and it is 400 24332 23672
and my company is www.contentprof.com
me: ok..
6:39 PM where do you reside..?
writer1200: I am from Arizona
me: India..
ok I suppose the rate will be $4 per article only..
6:40 PM writer1200: yes
me: ok in your project description it is written you will pay through Paypal and every sunday…
writer1200: yes
6:41 PM me: but here you are saying you will pay after 10 articles..
is this a method of trial run..
writer1200: yes
me: ok..
writer1200: if I select you then i pay you on weekly
6:42 PM me: but I need some assurance that if you like my 10 articles the you gonna seriously make the payment..
i am sorry
if i am sounding a bit rude..
6:43 PM but you know many buyers take work and disappear..
writer1200: I know but I will pay you because I am here to busness but dont expect payment after plagiarized work
6:46 PM hello
6:48 PM me: ok..I assure this much that there will be no plagiarized material..
6:49 PM but i expect a very genuine process from your side..
writer1200: sure i am here to business
me: ok you may send the task 1 of 10 articles to my mail..
6:50 PM writer1200: ok but I have a urgent batch now and it is 300 words
maximum 350 words and 10 articles
6:51 PM $3.5/article
but I need them withi 4 hours
6:52 PM me: $3.5?
writer1200: yes
me: after these 10 rate will be $4
6:53 PM writer1200: yes
if you are selected\
me: ok..
but i expected to paid for these 10
writer1200: sure
I will pay you
but selecting is something else
6:54 PM I need to see the quality
me: ok..
6:56 PM writer1200: hello so should I send you the work
me: yes sir..
I thought you were sending..
6:57 PM writer1200: ok I am sending
I sent a articles sample
see it
6:59 PM are seeing it
me: yes sir..
7:00 PM writer1200: you need to 1o articles on Dubai just like these articles
7:02 PM can you understand
what I am meaning
me: yes sir..
7:03 PM yes sir..
7:04 PM writer1200: so can you do it within 4 hours
me: Yes sir..
writer1200: so I will be online and are you sure that you will submit
7:05 PM otherwise I will send it to another
7:06 PM me: yes sir..I am ready to start
writer1200: ok thanks and I will be online after 3 hours by ist time
me: ok sir..
you will get the articles at 11 PM
writer1200: sure
7:07 PM thanks and I will make the payment instantly

after this he just vanished…

Please people help me giving this fraud a nice lesson.


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