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* HM Treasury email scam – Timothy N. Briggs, Joseph Pat Brown

United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
1 Horse Guards Road,
London SW1A 2HQ

From the Desk of:
Head, Debt Reconciliation Initiative
HM Treasury
London UK



This is to inform you that your payment has been approved by the
Kingdom Government JOINT PANEL on Debt Reconciliation.Immediate release
of ALL winners Debts / Contract Inheritance has been issued irrevocably
.Which you are Lucky to be amongst the beneficiaries.

According to the information gathered by Foreign Payment Unit Office
(FPUO)/ Federal Security Agency, has confirmed that some unlawful
officials in the UK banking Sector and Her Majesty Treasury are using
their powers/position by charging beneficiary illegal fees which the UK
Government did not authorized. In this regards, all the officials
involved many of them has been arrested and sacked and some under
investigation after our conference meeting with Federal Executive Council
and British Home Office respectively. The Representative of the Africa
Union (AU), UN, IMF Representative in Europe, America and Asia.


An IMF DELIVERY OFFICIAL named JOSEPH PAT BROWN has been appointed to
deliver your approved fund to you in your country of residence.
The funds totaling US$8.5 Million Only approved in your favor will be
delivered to you alongside Approved Back UP Documents by the Delivery
Officer named above who has just informed us of his arrival at JFK
International Airport New York in the United States of America . Before
he can deliver the package (funds) to you, you have to reconfirm the
following information so as to ensure that you are the right

1. Full Names
2. Residential Address
3. Age
4. Occupation
5.. Direct Telephone Numbers
6. A Copy of Your Identification.

After verification of your information you will be contacted so that
final arrangement on the exact time to he will deliver your package to
your residential address. Send the requested information in order to
Below is the Contact Details of the Delivery Officer in JFK New York USA

Delivery Officer’s Name: Joseph Pat Brown
Email: [email protected]
JFK International Airport,
New York
Tel: 718 6909 051
Reconfirm Your Details and Call him immediately on the above Phone Number.
We sincerely believe that you have been adequately briefed on the subject

Yours sincerely,
Timothy N. Briggs
Head, Debt Reconciliation Initiative
HM Treasury
London UK
TEL:+44 70457 17275
Direct fax:+44 8709 743597

Presented to Parliament by
the Chancellor of the Exchequer
by Command of Her Majesty

Correspondence and Enquiry Unit
HM Treasury
1 Horse Guards Road


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