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* JOB OFFER – Dr James Warwick

Good tidings to you as you read. My name is Dr. james warwick. I am a
freelance researcher for Tripod Researches Inc.I would be very interested in
offering you a job in which you can earn alot.I just resigned my job as a
research scientist for (Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland
)(ARINI) but I still work as a freelance consultant for the institute which
gives me very much time to do my own work which is basically being a freelance
researcher who can be employed by research institutes to do research projects
anywhere in the world.I just came about your email address and your brief
profile so i decided to make contact with you.

Presently,I have just been granted a funding to head a research project in the
tropical regions of West Africa and other tropical regions regarding rare and
vulnerable plant species and this would be commencing very soon, However the
fundings are by my American counterparts that sent me the bunch of payments
mostly in US based money orders. Getting an accountant in the states or
opening an account would have been my best choice but I have a deadline to
meet and taking any of those choices would cost me time and a whole lot of
other requirements I am not ready to deal with, as I would be traveling a lot
in the meantime. So presently, assuming you would be able to deal with cash, i
would be willing to employ you on contract basis to be my payment
representative in the united states, this way payments can issued out to you,
you will then cash them easily, withdraw 10% of the total sum on these money
orders/checks as your commission and then send the rest back to me through
Western Union wire transfer. These payments are in Money Orders or Checks and
they would be written out to you in your name and sent to you via courier, so
all you need do is process the payments, then deduct your percentage and wire
the rest back. 10% from each operation! For instance: you receive 2000 US-D
via checks or money orders on our behalf.

You will cash the payments and keep 200 US-D (10% from USD2000) for yourself!
At the beginning your commission will equal 10%, though later it will increase
up to 15%! You do not need any office because you will work as an independent
contractor right from your home or office. Your job is absolutely legal(100%).
You can earn up to USD2000-3000 monthly depending on time you will spend on
this job. You do not need any capital to start. This is absolutely legal,
that’s why you have to fill a contract! I would be glad if you accept my
proposal and I intend to commence on this as soon as you are ready. If you are
interested, email me back so we can make concluding arrangements. All
responses should be sent to my private email;[email protected]

Please note when replying fill the format below:
To get started, I will need the following (6) details.

B. Your Address where the Payments should be sent to via courier.
city state and zipcode
C. Telephone numbers (Cell phone and home phone.)
D. Age
E. Sex
F. Occupation

Thanks for your anticipated action. And I hope to hear back from you.
Dr james warwick
Tripod Research Institute Inc.
120B Newport Street,
London, SW1Y 6EQ, UK.

from email address [email protected]


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