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* Total Fabrics job offer – Scam?

I found an ad in my local newspaper about a payroll/pay receiver job. It only had comapny name and email address. The email address was [email protected] The company name was Total Fabrics Int. I sent them an email inquiring about the job. I received an email back stating to fill out an application. the application was part of the email text. It asked for my name address and telephone number. I filled this out and sent it back, and within 10 minutes I received an email saying I was hired. They said they would notify me of a tracking number for a check and I would have to go to the bank and cash it and take 10% of it and wire them the rest. i emailed them back and told them that I thought they were a fraud and they replied with “We are not a scam! That’s ridiculous!” The only reason I thought it wasnt a scam was because I found the classified ad in my local newspaper. What do you think?


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One response to “Total Fabrics job offer – Scam?”

  1. ScamRadar says:


    Thanks for the post.

    Your first instinct is more than likely correct. From your description, it’s already taking the same shape as those email scams we receive on a daily basis. It follows the same basic outline — name, address … and deduct a certain percent from a check you receive and send the remaining back to them…

    No company (in their right mind, unless they’re part of a scam) would send you a paycheck for a job you haven’t even fulfilled yet.

    Sounds like they are trying to appear legitimate by posting on the local ad — instead of via the web.

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