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My name is David Seth and I am now in London, United Kingdom (I was sent here wih my work).
Because this is an US version I cannot sell it here and also I cannot use it here. I made an order for a new TV for UK use and I need the money from this sale to pay it.
We can close a deal asap.
Obviously we need a way to complete this deal that will allow us to make sure we receive what we are after.
I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the TV in less than 3 days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company called DHL which is similar to Fedex, TNT or UPS, which will handle the payment and delivery of the TV .
I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the TV only after you will receive it and through this way you will see it and test it before I receive my payment.
Please click on the link bellow to the DHL website to see how we can complete the deal safely and fast directly from the website of the company where the procedure is explained:


Like I said, I will pay for a 3 days delivery so you will receive the TV right away.
I will explain to you step by step how this will work .
1) First you will have to send me your full name and address. I will need them for the shipping.
2) I go to the DHL store and leave the TV onto your name as the intended receiver.
3) DHL will check the TV to see if everything is OK with it and also the legal papers that will come along with the TV.
4) DHL will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the TV, in which you will be told that they have the TV and that they checked it.
5) At this point you will have to go to a Western Union Agent Location and make a money deposit on the DHL payment agent name for the amount we agreed .
6) After you make the deposit you will have to send the info about the money deposit to DHL (MTCN, sender’s name and address)
7) DHL will verify the payment informations and if everything is in order they will deliver the TV to you .
8) After you receive the TV , check it and see that all is in order you will instruct DHL to send me the informations about the money deposit and I will be able to receive the funds .
I will pay DHL for the shipping and you will pay Western Union for the Money Transfer fee .
Let me know if we can do this.



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One response to “NEW PIONEER KURO 60 1080P HDTV PLASMA TV PDP-6020FD – $750”

  1. skamkilla says:

    Too bad DHL had gone bankrupt…

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