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* Officetronics / Philip Kim Scam and Fraud

Hello Officetronics,

I am writing this in return to your comment made on your reply:


I am a former employee of your company and I know the fraud going on within your company. Your company has been committing fraud on a very large scale in the millions of dollars. In regards to your fraud of selling used and refurbished equipment to unsuspecting cusotmers can easily be traced. You have commited fraud by using eraser guns and heat guns to remove refurbished information on the boxes of products you purchased. 90% of the Hewlett Packard products purchased were done through Synnex and some were also done through Ingram Micro. You are not fooling anyone with this fake mission statement. Everyone on the internet knows you are committing fraud and we will not stop until you are made liable for the fraud. You have sold refurbished equipment to companies below and I have proof and letters from some of these companies you have commited fraud. I have already detailed the fraud by explaining how they are committing the fraud by erasing the refurbished sticker off using the electric erasers. Not only have you cheated thousands of customers and hurt them financially you have also caused distress amongst other people. While working at your company you have written hundreds of fake positive reviews using Proxy Servers to hide your identity. I have first hand experience with you demanding from www.nextag.com / www.ciao.com / www.pricegrabber.com to remove any negative reviews posted by Officetronics. These companies that do business with Officetronics is allowing the company to commit fraud by using these places as an avenue of fraud. Also during the time I have worked at Officetronics you have committed a large amount of fraud with Garmin selling refurbished equipement that was in a whitebox as BRAND NEW OEM PRODUCTS. Also Epson printers and Brother printers were also sold in this fashion. YOur company is a total fraud and scam and I will make it my personal goal in life to have you personally liable for all the fraud and scams you have commmited. During the time I have worked at Officetronics you have misclassified more then 2 employeesa as a 1099 when they should be W4 employees. After researching why you did this is to avoid employeer tax. You have commited fraud against the IRS and the working American people Philip Kim. Philip Kim as the owner of the company it is not hard to find out if you have done this. I know from experience that all anyone has to do is find how much refurbished products you have purchased from PCWHOLESALE which is now SYNNEX to show the true amount of fraud committed.

Your reply letter is a joke and misleading the public from the truth. During the time I have worked at Officetronics your whole business model is based on fraud and scamming the public. You have scammed the goverement for millions of dollars in selling refurbished equipment as NEW. Once the goverement and resellers do an audit as well as the American people we will see the truth behind your fraud.

Officetronics is purchasing all Refurbished Hewlett Packard products from Synnex in which they sale as brand new. Officetronics is purchasing all Refurbished Brother products from Newport Data and Nuworld in which refurbished products are sold as new. I have outlined the details of where you are purchasing these products to commit fraud and I hope this will help the public shutdown Officetronics and the fraud.

Here is a comment made by Scott on a public message board about Officetronics writing bogus reviews:

With regards to Officetronics specifically, we have removed dozens of fake positive reviews that the merchant undoubtedly submitted for themselves and more recently, we removed 12 negative reviews that one person tried to write who wasn’t even a customer because they could not produce an invoice – that’s not allowed — we allow one review per real customer. You can’t come to our site and write 12 negative reviews of a store just to bash it because that’s junk – we care about quality. 12 real customers can come write all the negative reviews they want to, but 1 person can’t just post 12 positive or negative reviews for 1 store. Officetronics’ rating is “N/A” since they haven’t received any reviews in the past 6 months, and their lifetime rating is 5.00 out of 10.00 – not exactly great. The merchant does participate in our Merchant Member program in order to contact reviewers and post replies to reviews, but that program does not affect the merchant’s ratings or reviews in any way. We have not censored their reviews nor removed any of their reviews.

In light of these facts, I’m going to first try asking you nicely to edit the harmful comments you’ve been making about our site. Stop lumping our site in with your commentary about pricegrabber/shopping.com/etc. Your comments are completely false and are damaging our reputation.

Below is a list of some of the companies you have commited fraud against and I will demand from the Goverment Agencies to do an audit for all the products these companies have sold too.

Florida Micro – www.flmicro.com/
AquaSystems – www.aquacom.com/
Amerdisc – http://www.ameridisc.com/
Complete Package – www.completepackage.com/


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