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* Pterodactil or Hans Aabenhus

Watch out for this guy

He calls himself Hans Aabenhus, from Denmark, he goes around online forums, looking for people with domain names and steals their names.

Here is how he operates, he contacts the domain owner, indicates interest and then makes payment for the names, later he requests chargeback from Paypal and keeps both the domains and the money. I know this because I have experienced it first hand, he used the same method with me.


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One response to “Pterodactil or Hans Aabenhus”

  1. Abba says:

    I was cheated by ikobo twice.

    Here is a long online conversation if you would like to read it.

    Jody Francis: Thank you for contacting us here at the Card Service Center,how may i assist you ?

    Asaduzzaman: hi
    Jody Francis: hello how can i help you ?
    Asaduzzaman: you cancelled my send money order but it seems that you charged my card anyway
    Jody Francis: can i take your ikobo account number please
    Asaduzzaman: KM759511FI
    Jody Francis: thank you
    Jody Francis: please hold while i review your account
    Asaduzzaman: it would be nice to know the reason too, why my account is blocked from sending money without any notice and reason
    Jody Francis: thank you for holding
    Jody Francis: please be advised that i have reviewed your account and can confirm that your transaction has been declined due to security reasons
    Jody Francis: our security team requested that you provide verification documentation in order to complete the security process
    Jody Francis: and have the sanctions lifted from your account
    Asaduzzaman: please be confirmed my card statement says the following-
    Asaduzzaman: 11 Dec 2008 Purchase 5.49 0.00 WWW IKOBO COM (USD 27.25) 5.49
    Jody Francis: yes this is a test transaction that is initiated in order to confirm that your bank will honor your credit card transaction 3
    Jody Francis: these funds are normally credit back to your credit card account within 4 business days
    Asaduzzaman: so you are going to refund it?
    Jody Francis: yes
    Jody Francis: this is done purely as a test transaction
    Asaduzzaman: good
    Asaduzzaman: when the test did happen?
    Jody Francis: on the 11th december, 2008
    Jody Francis: the transaction that you see is a test transaction
    Asaduzzaman: and when the order was cancelled?
    Jody Francis: today
    Jody Francis: sorry on the 9th
    Asaduzzaman: if the order was cancelled on 9th, what kind of test do you make on 11th?
    Jody Francis: your original request was canceled on the 9th
    Jody Francis: the test was therefore done on the 11th to try and establish the reason that you have been having this problem
    Jody Francis: it seems that you have had declined transaction issues for some time
    Asaduzzaman: yes I understand that, but I don’t understand why do you make test after you have cancelled the order??
    Jody Francis: however due to the fact that Ikobo are under new management we are required to run new security checks
    Jody Francis: have you spoken to your bank about why your card has been declined
    Asaduzzaman: more over do you really have a test charge system? As far as understand it should be pending amounts
    Asaduzzaman: not transfer the money to your account
    Asaduzzaman: Dear Sir/Madamme! Its illegal to charge a card after you cancell the order
    Asaduzzaman: After all you did confirm the credit card during the order with making a pending charge to the card.
    Jody Francis: im sorry for keeping you
    Jody Francis: please hold a moment
    Jody Francis: im sorry sir the charge that you provided details for is in relation to senders fee
    Asaduzzaman: sorry I missed your Q. “have you spoken to your bank about why your card has been declined”
    Asaduzzaman: the answer is:
    Jody Francis: however we need to have this sent to our back office because you have a pending transaction from october that seems to be causing the problem
    Jody Francis: sorry that was my error
    Asaduzzaman: I don’t use credit card online, it was a debit card i used
    Asaduzzaman: could you clarify a bit about the pending order from october?
    Jody Francis: yes
    Asaduzzaman: There should not be any sender’s or any other fees if the order has been canceled
    Jody Francis: please hold a moment i am going though your account with a manager
    Asaduzzaman: This is what I see in my account history starting at 1 october,2008-
    Asaduzzaman: Date Time Name Confirmation# Status Amount 2008-12-07 03:57:00 Salma Khan B0K0KB62B9 Cancelled 10.00
    Jody Francis: at this point sir we are going to need to send your account to management for further review
    Jody Francis: the october transaction on your account that is still showing as pending needs to be dealt with and possibly is causing an issue with subsequent transactions
    Jody Francis: the senders fee that has been changed on your account and posted dated 11th december 2008 is not the test transaction that i initially thought
    Asaduzzaman: I wonder why it does not show up in my online transaction history
    Jody Francis: i suspect there may be a technical issue on your account but i will need to refer this in order to verify the same
    Jody Francis: i am sorry about the inconvenience
    Asaduzzaman: I still don’t understand why my card was charged 11th december any amount at all!
    Jody Francis: which is why we need to have the matter investigated
    Asaduzzaman: ok
    Asaduzzaman: so what happens with the charged amount?
    Asaduzzaman: would it be possible to receive this conversation by email?
    Jody Francis: the chat session can be sent to you
    Jody Francis: the charged amount will be dealt with by the investigation
    Asaduzzaman: thanks
    Jody Francis: you will then be contacted via e-mail confirming our findings and advising you of what is required to have the block lifted fro your account
    Asaduzzaman: will you be in touch with me when you are done or how the process will continue?
    Jody Francis: we will contact you once we have more information
    Asaduzzaman: ok
    Asaduzzaman: Thank you Jody!
    Jody Francis: your welcome
    Asaduzzaman: Please send me this conversation by email.
    Jody Francis: i do apologise for the miscommunication
    Asaduzzaman: Have a nice day!
    Jody Francis: you too
    Jody Francis: bye
    Asaduzzaman: I was disappointed when you just cancelled the order and blocked the account without any notice or conversation with the customer
    Asaduzzaman: then I just gave up using ikobo account
    Jody Francis: i understand
    Asaduzzaman: now today I was surprised when I saw the charged amount.
    Jody Francis: we will however do all that we can to get this matter resolved
    Asaduzzaman: But I apriciate you confortable personal services.
    Asaduzzaman: thank you and have nice time
    Asaduzzaman: bye
    Jody Francis: your very welcome
    Jody Francis: please enjoy the rest of your day
    Asaduzzaman: Thank you
    Nobody did contact from ikobo, no solution and no refund.
    I contacted then again online. The same sheet explanations were offered as above. Fynally I requested to send the chat session by email and close my account. They closed my account but could not receive the chat session email.
    I open a new account. Every thing was ok for weeks untill I made an order. They charged my credit card and closed my account.

    Here goes the online chat with ikobo sucs

    You are now chatting with Jody Francis (Ikobo)

    Jody Francis: Thank you for contacting us here at the Card Service Center, how
    may i assist you
    Abba: hello
    Abba: is my account closed
    Jody Francis: ok please hold a moment while i review your account
    Abba: Hello!
    Jody Francis: sorry for keeping you
    Jody Francis: please be advised that unfortunately your account registration
    has been canceled due to security reasons
    Abba: security reason?
    Jody Francis: thats correct
    Abba: could you explain me a bit?
    Jody Francis: according to our security team your account details have not
    been verified by our database
    Jody Francis: therefore your registration has been canceled
    Abba: I still don’t understand, sorry
    Jody Francis: your details are not considered to be acceptable by our security
    team therefore we canceled your registration
    Abba: why not acceptable?
    Abba: the account was open for long
    Abba: I made an transaction order and my debit card has been charged
    Jody Francis: no further information can be disclosed at this time im afraid
    Jody Francis: the funds will be returned to your funding card
    Abba: ikobo charged money from my card account
    Jody Francis: i will send an e-mail to management for this to be done
    Abba: how long will it take to refund?
    Abba: very strainge services
    Jody Francis: you will find that the funds have been returned withing 48 hours
    Abba: I heard you are having troubles with visa transactions, so how sure is
    it that you are going to work with the refund process automatically?
    Jody Francis: im sorry for the inconvenience
    Abba: 48 hours from today or?
    Jody Francis: thats correct
    Jody Francis: 48 hours from today
    Abba: I wish that works.
    Abba: I hope good luck for ikovo services

    I’m 100% sure they are not going to refund!!!!!

    IKOBO is a scam ! ikobo sucks!


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