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* Scammer : JEFF BEER

I responded to an ad on Domystuff.com placed by a person called Jeff Beer. He wished to hire writers to do some work that he had taken up for a company.He promised to pay every fortnight. However after completing work for the first fortnight when I asked for payment he kept making excuses. He made the mistake of addressing a common email to other writers whom he had hired and I got to know from them that he owed roughly $100- $200 to each of them. Further from the Domystuff.com forums I came to know that this person has a long scamming history. He approaches people mostly for writing related work.So this is a warning for all freelance writers. Do not encourage any interaction with Jeff Beer.


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3 responses to “Scammer : JEFF BEER”

  1. tlc says:

    how do you find your code # you need for warner daniel

  2. ccm001 says:

    You can report the theft toward police, but there won’t be something they are able to do about it. The only provide about for filing a law enforcement report is so they are able to see if there’s a pattern founded with that particular diamond jewelry store.

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