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* Golf Cart Scam

On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 3:14 PM Carl Davis wrote:

On Sun, Jun 21, 2020, 5:10 PM Jessica Spencer wrote:
My name is Jessica and I’m emailing you about the 2014 Ez Go RVX electric 48 volt golf cart. This cart is in excellent condition. It is in excellent condition, always garaged and runs great with strong batteries and charger, 14″ chrome alloys with 22” all terrain tires cleaned from top to bottom, also it is street legal. The price is $1,200 non negotiable. I am selling this cart because my husband passed away 5 month ago and I need to sell it before the 10th of next month, when I will be leaving on military duty with my medical team out of the country for a year and do not want to store my cart. It’s not worth keeping insurance and paying storage fees for a year. I can send you pictures and more details too, just let me know if you are still interested.

And Then A New E-MAIL:

Hello again,
As I told you in my first email, I lost my husband recently and now I am in Lindon UT in the military base getting ready for Japan. The cart is already at the shipping company sealed and ready for the shipping. I prearranged the deal with eBay. The deal includes free delivery and it will arrive at your address in 2-3 days. You will have 5 days to try out prior to making any purchase and if by any reason you find something you don’t like about it you can send it back at my expense. If you are interested in knowing more info about how it works, I can ask eBay to send you an email with more information on how to purchase it. Please send me your full name, shipping address and phone number (preferably a cell) so I can register the transaction with eBay. They will contact you with more details and information about this transaction.


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