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* Phillip Paar Wealth Management

This company is running scam via their website https://phillippaar.com whereby someone calling himself David Cambridge phones elderly and vulnerable people and persuades them to hand over their money to invest in shares. They will provide a fake FCA registration number, fake news stories and a fake “portal” where you can see your investment but it is all a despicable SCAM. They are nothing but theives and liars. DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY!!!


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One response to “Phillip Paar Wealth Management”

  1. Iqra says:

    I have also fallen victim to this SCAM online for a large sum of money. There are individuals posing as traders, claiming to manage trades on your behalf. They begin by asking you to provide your name, email and phone number and give you a login to a ‘portal’ once you have paid around £800. Their claims are that it is a risk free investment however if trades are unsuccessful, you will receive your money back. They then create fake trades and show false figures (high profits) and say in order to access your profits, you have to pay a ‘company settlement fee’ which is a large amount.. I have also lost a lot to this scam and reported them to the relevant authorities.

    When confronted about the scam comment regarding the lady losing £1000 they tried to reassure saying that there is only one bad review and that this client’ worked with a former manager David Cambridge and wasn’t happy with their returns so decided to lie. They also stated that the client was taken to court. It is all a lie!!

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