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* Money transfer to friend ESSI BLESSING friend d of Jennifer Derrick name I. Phase

Am MARIO L. Borcenio working here in Jeddah. I was met a friend Jennifer Derrick facebook name carreer model and now now she told retired model.
I was send a money to her because first reason she told me she arrested in Ghana airport because of visa expired and as, I kindness I give help bec. She told need 100 dollar to arrange all document and release I send it to her friend as her told trusted friend
IGBINOSUN HENRY date11/02/15 and tracking no.532-524-5360 by Western union speedcash here Jeddah KSA.
375 riyal.
And again I she need again money because she told have a problem how to go California but she have no money, bec she taught her FATHER have sick and she need a withraw money in California. And when she withraw her promise she will pay back my money.
My wife sent a money 28,000 pesos
name IGBINOSUN HENRY Western Union at Philippines.
Again problem I sent a money to IGBINOSUN HENRY
12/03/2015/ trk. 378172420
2250 riyal Western Union speedcash.
As her tol Jennifer Derrick.

Again WU speedcass 12/10/2015 trk 5703410330
950 riyal IGBINOSUN HENRY friend of Jennifer Derrick
Again Wester Union Enjaz Jeddah KSA
Mtc no. 3061981082
Date 12/22/2015
Name HENRY IGBINOSUN as told of Jennifer Derrick
I send money because I believe this Jenifer Derrick she’s a good girl and family problem it’s true.

2016 another I send against. To her trusted friend of Jennifer Derrick name ESSI BLESSING
Date 01/21/2016 my. 5645063897amount 300/riyal
another sent
Mtcn 0415769639
450 riyal to ESSI BLESSING as frien Jennifer Derrick

Another sent Wester.Union ESSI BLESSING
Date 0/28/2016 mtcn 7234152381
400 riyal
And last sent
Date 3/8/16
Mtcn 5108056630.
ESSI BLESSING. As her told trusted friend.of jennifer Derrick.
All of this are did because she told her need help and I believe first that is why I gave help.
And her promise she pay back all my money.
Yes after I sent a last money 3/8/16.
She Send my money in my account am shocked 40,000. Am happy. But I told why sent to much. I was spent only all chargers and taxi faYorkshireless 4000 USD. I give that because you help me. Words of Jennifer Derrick.
But when I was check in.my bank of Philippines Islands not yet transfer even In Yorkshire Bank rementance used of Jennifer Derrick but the name in slip Derrick M. Jennifer.
Yorkshire Bank client experience they responding in.my email report no Name or no transaction name Derrick M. Jennifer.
Which means it is scam..
And today March 17/2016
Jennifer Derrick she sent a message sorry bank error and the money you sent last I used for it because I arrested driving without liscense last March 9.
Now I released only last nigh March 16.
I have no money now. Say Jennifer Derrick.
Just sent it again 300 USD and I will send your money but payback my money message of Jennifer. (Talking about 40,000 USD) because only money I gave her friend 4000 usd by the name Jennifer Derrick. And I want my money, Jennifer pay back my money 4,000 please.
Now March 17,2016 8pm WhatsApp message. She told I just send another money if you send a 300 USd tomorrow March 18,2016. (Jennifer Derrick told him)

Now I was reporting to Western Union Nigeria even the bank if can help me about my money how to retrieve to all people involved and arresting those people scammer.
Yes all I sent a.money because I know it is for family assistant of Jennifer. But am so sad all are fake and are scammer.
Hopefully this information can help how to arrested
Jennifer Derrick or Derrick M.Jennifer

Thank and God blessed as all


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