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LADIES ACROSS SA & ESPECIALLY C.T. BEWARE of a man MICHAEL MACDONAL JANTJIES who uses different names on various dating sites such as Badoo. He has profiles wirh the name MILTO, MIKE, MICHAEL MACDONALD. He has so far told all his victims he worked 30 yrs for SAPS, is a private investigator, has 2 daughters who are doctors & they have given their blessing for his relationship with you. He is a devout christian and family is important. He is not married, hadnt had sex for 8yrs. He speaks many languages. He is legally married, constantly would speak to “Eddy” which is his common law wife & partner in crime Cheryl Ann Damons. He has no harley bike, bmw or house in blouberg strand or seapoint. He lives with Chery at 24 Bloekom St, Forest Heights Eerste River. Within a matter of days he will get money from you, either to save his house in blouberg strand or until his SAPS pension pays out. The closest he got to SAPS is his constant arrest for fraud, housebreaking, theft and rape. Should you fall into his trap and go to the police, thats when you will meet Cheryl. Ladies DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED BY HER. If you local SAPS wont take your case, or she intimidate you, DO NOT GIVE UP. PLEASE CONTACT LANSDOWNE STATION COMMANDER and join all his victims in ensuring that justice be served.


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