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* Crown Royal Windsor Lottery

I received an email telling me that my email address had won 500,000.00 in English pound’s. I was asked for my full name and address, which I submitted. I also sent an email stating that if this was a fraud/scam, I would report it. Today, I received another email from Mr. Martin Powell, giving me two pin number’s that I would need to receive my winning’s. I was also to contact Flemings Private Bank, London, United Kingdom, telling them about the email I had sent them. Are these email’s fraud/scam, or legitimate?
James Payne


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4 responses to “Crown Royal Windsor Lottery”

  1. ScamRadar says:

    Several questions to help you out:

    (1) Did you remember entering for this lottery? You can’t win a lottery that you did not specifically enter.

    (2) Does the contact info that they provided you for the bank that they referenced match the ACTUAL contact number of the bank? For example, if Chase Bank’s contact info is “XYZ” but the contact info you received via email is “ABC”, then this is a scam.

  2. James Payne says:

    They gave me a telephone number for Flemings Private Bank in London, with instruction’s for me to call the bank and give them my pin number’s and where to send my winning’s. I called the bank, and the number was not in service. I never entered any lottery.
    Thank-YOU for your reply and information. I greatly appreciate your time and effort.

  3. ScamRadar says:

    No problem. We are glad to help out!

    We’ve recently been contacted by someone who lost a lot of money (thousands) due to a lottery scam. He was asked to pay a “fee” prior to his lottery winnings being shipped out via parcel. He ended up sending the money, and he never heard from the lottery people again.

    We don’t want anyone to go through that!

  4. James Payne says:

    I would never give out money up-front to receive ANY winning’s! That does not make sense. I would inform whomever contacted me about my winning’s, to take out my fee from my winning’s. Fraud and Scam’s are running rampant via the internet, and people should do everything they can to protect their private information.

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