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* atm card email – Mrs Alice Well, David Mark

14th Floor
51/55 Broad Street ,
P.M.B 12147 Lagos – Nigeria.
Attention Dear Client

This is to acknowledge the receipt of the order from the senate house, in respect with the provision act of decree 114 of the 1999 constitution; I am directed to inform you that your payment verification and confirmations is correct. Therefore, we are happy to inform you that arrangements have been concluded to effect your payment as soon as possible and in our bid to transparency.

It is my pleasure to inform you that ATM Card Number; 3478763199030014 have been approved in your favor. Your Personal Identification Number is 2700. The ATM Card Value is $6.8MILLION USD Only. You are advised that a maximum withdrawal value of $5,000.00 USD is permitted on withdrawal per Day and we are duly Inter Switch and you can make withdrawal in any location and ATM Center of your choice.

We have concluded delivery arrangement with all COURIER SERVICES, Courier Company to be fully insured by Nicon Insurance Corporation. In view of this development, you are requested to choose from the options listed below your choice and cost of delivery.

DHL (2working days)
Mailing $176.00 00.00
Insurance $100.00 00.00
Vat (5%) $100.75 00.00
TOTAL $376.75 00.00

FedEx (3working days)
Mailing $150.00 00.00
Insurance $100.00 00.00
Vat (5%) $100.75 00.00
TOTAL $350.75 00.00

Please confirm if you can be able to take this cost so that I can know how to proceed, and please be informed that delivery will be made to your address in 48 hours (2 days) after our confirmation of this payment for delivery, as you know that the delivery fee receipt will be used to attach on your payment delivery documents to avoid being delayed by customs.

Treat very urgently as we also remind you that your ATM Card is ready.


Thank you.

Mrs. Alice Well.

DIRECT TEL: +2348073751910
EMAIL:[email protected]

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