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* Scam wholesale company – Citronid

Friends, please don’t be cheated by the company Citronid.

I sent money by Paypal for my first order of 20 pcs MP4 players with Citronid on July 2nd, 2008. The Citronid order number is 19890. But 15 days later, I didn’t receive any MP4 players, only 5 pcs paper boxes. I wrote several E-mails to Citronid but nobody replied me. And I tried to call them at +86-20-34387171, +86-20-34386664. Those telephone number showing the site www.citronid.com are not existent.

So I have to claimed with Paypal, but Paypal closed my case without any compensation. Because they offered the tracking number and my signature on the paper.

I lost over USD1000 with them.

Please don’t send any payment to the account by any payment method – Paypal, Western Union, Wire Transfer, Moneybookers:

Account holder: He Xiao Fu
First name: Xiao Fu
Last name: He


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11 responses to “Scam wholesale company – Citronid”

  1. Gary says:

    John Harrison is not ture !

    My name is Gary He (Chinese Name: He Xiao Fu) – Citronid the only Shareholder. Formerly Citronid have two Shareholder, but we are dissolution of partnership due to disagreement. We are suspension our business in order to count out the merchandise inventory, so we closed Citronid.com since July 30, 2008 and re-open it on October 29, 2008, in the meantime we do not accept new orders, we sent all the parcels to the customer if the customer already paid. We moved our office to now this address and the phone number is change (because moved office), but all these were for company development needs.

    Why say ‘John Harrison is not ture’?
    1. We have not a client name is ‘John Harrison’ and from ‘Miami, Florida, United States’ – Of course, I can not provide proof of valid 🙁
    2. Until November 4, 2008, our newest order number is 14454. But ‘John Harrison’ said his order number 19890!
    3. Citronid.com operating for 4 years, if we are Scam wholesale company, why just ‘John Harrison’ complaints? In general, The scam website quotation is very low so that you can not believe that, and the scope will be not big. So everybody, Citronid feel like a scam website?
    4. ‘John Harrison’ said he paid US1000 by PayPal with Citronid on July 2nd, 2008. Here is our PayPal account (paypal#citronid.com) history from Jul. 1, 2008 to Jul. 7, 2008, there is not a US$1000 payment record here. [http://www.citronid.com/images/Citronid_paypal_history_Jul_1_2008_to_Jul_7_2008.jpg]

    We guess ‘John Harrison’ is from China – a Citronid’s competiter. Webmaster can prove that if webmaster can check member IP.
    I hope that any way to prove Citronid’s innocence, but except the above, I don’t know what else I can do.

  2. ScamRadar says:


    Thank you for responding with your rebuttal for your company, Citronid. We suggest that both parties continue to dialogue here, so that our general readership can assess the situation and make an informed decision for themselves.

    By the way, the original scam report was submitted from a user with an IP address that is originating from China (

  3. Anthony says:

    Thanks for Gary’s explanation. I am the other Shareholder of the previous http://www.citronid.com. My name is Anthony. John Harrison, I am sorry to hear about your story. I am going to ask some of our previous colleagues to check your order record.

    Meanwhile, I’d like to clarify the facts about Citronid International Ltd. Co., closed on the end of July, 2008. It was not due to the disagreement of two shareholders. Gary and I are good friends. The company closed is because Gary did a wrong thing -Misappropriation of our public funds and put them to the Stock Market, and a serious Losses, which led we couldn’t have payment to fulfill our contract with another company, get the Court summons and Economic inventory by Chinese Government. So our company bankrupted and closed. And the Government don’t permit the company existed any more.

    I don’t know why Gary shows the website http://www.citronid.com and doing this online business by him only, and make the customer misunderstanding it is a company’s business behavior.

    Regarding to the order record, especially for the series order number, I know our system can set it up by ourselves.

  4. mtdam says:


    I’ve just received my order from them. I ordered 50*TURBOSIM and they sent me 10*UNLOCK CARD and 10*MAGIC SIM.

    Don’t buy anything! I’m going to try to get my money back with Paypal. They are so stupid, this order was 250USD they could get more with serious business!

  5. mtdam says:

    I’m sorry about my previous post this was posted too quickly, because I was upset by a wrong delivery to me. But this wasn’t because citronid was trying to scam that was just a mistake in delivery. The delivery company sent to me the order from another buyer in UK and this buyer received my order.
    I sent the items i received to UK and I was refunded by citronid. Sorry for my comments, I think you can order safely from them. A mistake in delivery (EMS) is responsible of all that.

  6. […] of cintronid.com posting bad comments about the company: Big Fraud – Citronid He Xiao Fu http://www.scamradar.com/reports/494…-citronid.html I want to place a small order ca. 120 EUR, so not that much is lost. Now I'd like some current […]

  7. WHAAAAATTT? First off, Id take the 96 Bulls over ANY team in NBA history, and always feel they get slighted when compared to other greats. Further, this current Laker team is nothing without Pau Gasol (their real MVP), which can be backed up by their prior playoff performances against the Suns the previous two years

  8. francis says:

    i bought 25 pairs of beats by dre with control talk and half of them the control talk didnt work…they say they test all the items before shipping them.. i call bs dont engage with this company thanks there are far better chinese whoesalers out there

  9. Doug Christy says:

    Francis, did the beats by dre actually sound like beats by dre?

  10. sencart says:

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  11. Terrance Jefferson says:

    I made two purchases from Citronid.com in mid 2011 of beats by dre. Could not be happier with them. Obvioulsy they would not be up to the standard of the real beats, however. i still use them to this day they work perfectly only falling a part but that doesnt affect the sound etc. I was going to make another order the other day but i have noticed that they are now not offering paypal? why is this?


    Perth, Western Australia.

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